Lessons in Public Participation: ILC in the Neighborhood

Doug Sarno of The Perspectives Group |
Approximately one year from now, the Global Design Effort expects to request proposals on a world-wide basis for siting the International Linear Collider. Although a long road remains to selecting a site for the ILC, facilitator Doug Sarno will tell you it is never too early to start public participation. In anticipation of submitting a proposal to host the ILC, Fermilab started discussions with local citizens, and two years ago, they established a Community Task Force on Public Participation. Ranging from a young high school student to a local mayor, the 22-member group developed a set of mutual expectations for how Fermilab will interact with the community on issues that effect them both. As the site selection for the ILC moves forward, the role of the Community Task Force will become increasingly important and perhaps even serve as a model on public participation for other regions involved in the global project.
• Doug Sarno's Talk (ppt)
• Community Task Force Video
-- Elizabeth Clements
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
Linear Collider Workshop
Tokyo, Japan
3 March 2006
Contact: Satoru Yamashita (Send Email)
ILC GDE Meeting
Bangalore, India
9-11 March, 2006
LCWS 2006
Bangalore, India
9-13 March 2006
Workshop on Engineering Challenges for Future Accelerators
New Delhi, India
13 March 2006
International Symposium on Detector Development in Particle and Astroparticle Physics and Synchrotron Radiation
3-6 April 2006
ILC Americas Regional Team Review
ILC - Americas
4-6 April 2006
ILC Software and Physics Meeting
4-6 April 2006
International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders
Sokendai, Graduate School for Advanced Studies
Hayama, Japan
19-27 May 2006
ILC VTX Workshop at Ringberg
Ringberg Castle, Lake Tegernsee, Germany
28-31 May 2006
CALOR 2006
12th International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics
Chicago, USA
5-9 June 2006
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EUDET Kicks Off

Attendees at the EUDET Kick-Off meeting. |
Approximately 100 participants met at DESY on 15-17 February for two and a half days of intense discussions at the EUDET Kick-Off meeting. EUDET is a European Integrated Infrastructure Initiative aiming at the improvement and development of infrastructures for ILC detector developments. Twenty-two participating institutes and 21 associated institutes join forces in a project with a budget of approximately 21.5 million Euros, of which the European Commission contributes 7 million Euros. The project started officially six weeks before the Kick-off meeting on 1 January 2006 and will run for four years. The Kick-off meeting was the first opportunity for the whole collaboration to come together and discuss future plans in detail.
-- Karsten Buesser

Lutz Lilje |
From Interactions.org
27 February 2006
Announcement of the Winners of the 2006 Accelerator Prizes awarded
by the European Physical Society Accelerator Group (EPS-AG)
...Prize b) for an individual in the early part of his or her career,
having made a recent significant, original contribution to the
accelerator field, is awarded to Lutz Lilje, DESY, Hamburg...
24 February 2006
Head of global scientific body given clearance after security controversy
NEW DELHI, India - The United States apologized and granted a visa on Friday to the Indian-born president of a world science body after he said he was refused entry on charges of hiding information that could be used for chemical weapons.
From Nature
23 February 2006
Frosty US visa policy leaves Indian science cold
...India's science secretary Valangiman Ramamurthi warns that the United States stands to lose out on collaborations. For instance, he claims that India's interest in the International Linear Collider project "has come down tenfold because our team could not attend a workshop in the United States due to visa problems"...
Read more... (Registration Required)
Bangalore Preview
One year ago, during the opening session of the Linear Collider Work Shop (LCWS05) at Stanford University, Jonathan Dorfan on behalf of ICFA read an official letter offering me the position of Director for the yet to be formed Global Design Effort. I accepted and proceeded to give a brief talk to those assembled on how I proposed to approach the challenge lying before me. Now, one year later and again at LCWS, but this time in Bangalore, India, the GDE is well underway and is holding its third meeting.
What can we look forward to at this meeting? First, by holding this meeting in conjunction with the LCWS meeting, we will provide fertile ground for having interactions between the ILC accelerator design team and the scientists working toward such a machine. Our host and local chair for this meeting is Rohini Godbole, an energetic particle theorist, who specializes in studies of the physics potential at the next generation of high energy colliders. Rohini rightfully deserves to be proud of her recent and very informative book on supersymmetric particles, "Theory and Phenomenology of Sparticles,"written with co-authors Manuel Drees and Probir Roy and published in 2004 by World Scientific.
The venue for this joint LCWS / GDE meeting is the Indian Institute for Science (IISc) in Bangalore, a unique institution in India that is different from National Laboratories, having specific missions and working with Universities to have an emphasis on education. IISc was founded about a century ago as a place dedicated to pursuing the forefront areas of research. It has established itself as an internationally renowned institution that has played host to many famous scientists.
--Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive
ILC Related Preprints
23 Feb 2006
Phenomenological Indications of the Scale of Supersymmetry
21 Feb 2006
Determination of Dark Matter Properties at High-Energy Colliders
20 Feb 2006
Single Top-Quark Production in Flavor-Changing Z' Models
24 Feb 2006
Photon colliders: the first 25 years