ILC Communications Accelerate at KEK

The InterAction Collaboration meeting participants in front of the giant particle event wall at KEK. |
Last week the InterAction Collaboration met at KEK in Tsukuba, Japan for a special meeting dedicated to International Linear Collider communications. As the newest members of the InterAction Collaboration, the ILC communicators join representatives from particle physics laboratories in Asia, Europe and North America whose goal is to increase support around the world for fundamental particle physics research. In addition to the InterAction Collaboration members, representatives from the ILC Steering Group Americas Communications Committee, ILC European Outreach Committee and the Linear Collider Forum of Japan also joined the meeting.
"We have changed the way particle physics communicates around the world," said Fermilab's Head of Public Affairs Judy Jackson. "Now we have an opportunity to take it to the next level. The ILC gives us the chance to do something in communication that no one has done before because the ILC is like nothing done before. It gives us the chance to think outside the box."
-- Elizabeth Clements |
Eel's Bed in KEK?
 Eel fish, sliced and broiled with sugar and soy
sauce, is a popular Japanese cuisine. |
A few hundred years ago, in the Edo era of Japan, shops and houses were taxed according to the width of their buildings facing the street. As a result, people started building very narrow and long buildings. Called "unagi-no-nedoko" in Japanese, this building style translates to "eel's bed" in English and resembles the newly designed ATF2 beamline at KEK.
As opposed to being designed for tax purposes, the ATF2 beamline is a long linear shape around 55 metres in length and aims to minimize the width of the radiation controlled area, surrounded by a concrete shield.
On 30 May to 1 June, the ATF2 Project meeting was held at KEK, following the first meeting held at SLAC last February. KEK's Toshiaki Tauchi, Sub Deputy of ATF2, said, "The purpose of this meeting was to discuss design details about the construction, which will start in 2008." At the meeting, participants tested the layout of the design on paper from the viewpoint of beam optics.
More than 110 people from 25 research facilities around the world participate in the ATF2 project. Approximately 40 members gathered at KEK. Over the course of three days, they discussed eight themes. Grahame Blair of John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science at Royal Holloway University of London said, "We had a constructive and useful discussion about the ATF2 Project." After finishing the meeting, they agreed to freeze the layout until July. "Reconfirmation of the charge and authentication of the design schedule were performed too," said KEK's Nobukazu Toge. The next meeting will be held this winter.
-- Nobuko Kobayashi, KEK |
From PhysOrg.com
5 June 2006
A Cosmic Coincidence Resurrects the Cyclical Universe
Over the past five years or so, scientists have finally converged on a model of the universe that explains (or at least permits) all of its characteristics. The new cosmological model has one very surprising feature, however, which is supported by several robust and unrelated observations...
Read more... |
From Science Magazine
1 June 2006
Aging Atom Smasher Runs All Out in Race for Most Coveted Particle
...That's if the Tevatron runs through 2009 as planned. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) could unplug the machine a year earlier to free up money for future projects--in particular, the proposed International Linear Collider, a 30-kilometer-long straight-shot behemoth that would map the conceptual terrain opened by the LHC.
(member access required) |
Today's issue features a Director's Corner from Mitsuaki Nozaki, ILC Regional Director for Asia
Future Particle Physics in Asia
 Mitsuaki Nozaki, ILC Regional Director for Asia |
High energy physics is a field of international collaborative efforts, both historically and today. Many non-Asian scientists from around the world are currently participating in the KEKB and neutrino experiments at KEK. Reciprocally, many Asian scientists will work at LHC experiments, which will start to collect data next year. Globalisation of high energy physics programs is an irreversible trend, which continues to grow only stronger. Without a doubt, the future of high energy physics in Asia has to be looked at in this context. Under these circumstances, I believe that scientists in Asia will take what I call a "multi-layered approach", in which a variety of research and educational activities are facilitated in many flavors of settings, across many types of geological and disciplinary boundaries.
I recently joined the KEK management, which is striving to offer research opportunities on the forefront of high energy physics to the younger generation of scientists and engineers. As I see it, the Advanced Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at KEK is a show-case example. The Superconducting Linac Test Facility (STF) joins the same rank. In addition to various Japan-US and Japan-Europe programs, we are under the support of a Core University Program of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) in Japan. This fund is prepared specifically for exchanging scientists from Japan, China, Korea, and India. There is another grant from JSPS for Detector R&D, as led by Hitoshi Yamamoto of Tohoku University. They are all there to help inspired and enthusiastic colleagues who love science and challenges.
-- Mitsuaki Nozaki, ILC Regional Director for Asia
Director's Corner Archive |
International Fellows at Fermilab
Fermilab introduces a new international fellowship for scientists who are interested in working on the Tevatron collider experiments or the ILC. Anyone from a foreign institution can apply for the fellowship, including students, postdocs and senior scientists.
more information
ILC Related Preprints
7 Jun 2006
On the production of flat electron bunches for laser wake field acceleration
6 Jun 2006
Measuring the W-t-b Interaction at the ILC
5 Jun 2006
Using Spin Correlations to Distinguish Zh from ZA at the International Linear Collider
5 Jun 2006
Noncommutative Inspired Black Holes in Extra Dimensions
4 Jun 2006
Parameters for a Super-Flavor-Factory
2 Jun 2006
Improved final doublet designs for the ILC baseline small crossing angle scheme |