Fermilab Prepares to Launch ILC Citizens Task Force

Fermilab's ILC Director Bob Kephart (right) also serves as an envoy and provided feedback on establishing an ILC Citizens Task Force. |
Earlier this fall, Fermilab instituted a Community Envoy Program to create and maintain meaningful relationships with people in the surrounding communities. After a training session on September 5, Fermilab matched 28 employees with key stakeholders, such as state representatives and homeowners associations, to provide information about the lab's projects, scientific goals and promising future. Last week, Fermilab's envoys reconvened to share progress reports on their first meetings with their stakeholders and to discuss future plans for launching an International Linear Collider Citizens Task Force.
-- Elizabeth Clements |
EUDET: Leaving Milestones Behind

The Timepix chip is the first milestone to be achieved by four of the EUDET institutes. |
After almost one year of EUDET, things are looking rather good. The more than 100 scientists involved in the EU-funded project on integrated infrastructures for ILC detector R&D reached the major milestones set for the first year. They just held their first annual meeting at the Max Planck Institute of Physics in Munich from 18 to 20 October that brought together all partners, associates, interested institutes, the scientific advisory board and the scientific officer from Brussels responsible for EUDET.
-- Barbara Warmbein |

Autumn Around the World
A glimpse of what autumn looks like at DESY and Fermilab. Stay tuned to NewsLine for fall images from Japan, where the leaves change colors a little later. Or email us your own fall images.
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From Interactions.org
1 November 2006
U.S. Department of Energy Awards Contract for Management and Operation of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory to the Fermi Research Alliance, LLC
"...The FRA proposal to DOE contained 28 new initiatives aimed at improving corporate governance and resources, attracting the proposed ILC to the lab, attracting world-class scientists and engineers, strengthening communication and collaboration between FNAL, ANL and the high energy physics community, and improving management, assessment and performance."
Read more... |
From The Future of Things
29 October 2006
A New Antimatter Engine Design
"...We are working on production of positrons in large quantities. We are getting a big boost from work being done for the International Linear Collider (ILC). The production rates required for the ILC are just a factor of 10-100 below those required for propulsion systems."
Read more... |
From The New York Times
24 October 2006
Knowing the Universe in Detail (Except for That Pesky 96 Percent of It)
"I didn't buy the death of the Big Bang 15 years ago, and I don’t buy the criticism now..."
Read more... (Registration Required) |
Worldwide Peer Reviews for ILC Detector R&D
Reaching the science goals for the ILC will require that both the collider performance and the capabilities of the detectors be consistent with the parameters set out by the ILCSC parameters group.

Francois Richard, WWS co-chair, and Chris Damerell, chair of the ILC Detector R&D Panel. |
For the ILC detectors, this will require improvements in both spatial and energy resolution. Around the world, experimentalists are pursuing an impressive and ambitious R&D programme that targets these goals, with some overall coordination provided through the Worldwide Study (WWS). The WWS sponsors an annual Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS) that is organized jointly with one of our triannual GDE meetings, providing the detector community with both a worldwide workshop and a forum for interactions and joint meetings with the ILC accelerator community.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
ILC ECFA Workshop & Joint GDE Meeting, 6-10 November
ILC-ECFA and the GDE will host a joint meeting next week in Valencia, Spain on 6-10 November 2006. An agenda and talks will be available online. Look for photos from the first couple days of the workshop in next week's issue of ILC NewsLine.
ILC-Related Preprints
31 Oct 2006
Selectron production at an e-e- linear collider with transversely polarized beams
31 Oct 2006
NLO Simulations of Chargino Production at the ILC
31 Oct 2006
The Layout of the photon collider at the ILC
31 Oct 2006
Ultimate parameters of the photon collider at the ILC
30 Oct 2006
Event Generation for Next to Leading Order Chargino Production at the International Linear Collider
27 Oct 2006
Contribution of high energy physics techniques to the medical imaging field
26 Oct 2006
Spatial resolution of a GEM readout TPC using the charge dispersion signal
26 Oct 2006
Effects of little Higgs models on single top production at the e- gamma colliders |