From DESY inForm: An idea takes shape: New production technique in view for niobium cavities

Single crystal with a diameter of 20 centimetres—scientists are only satisfied with a diameter of 26,5 centimetres. |
In the development of superconducting cavities for the ILC, the machine planning group (MPL) lands another success. New prototypes manufactured from a so-called niobium single crystal plate yield excellent results. The advantage of single-crystal cavities compared with standard ones made of polycrystalline niobium lies in the atomic structure of the crystal lattice.
-- Sandra Hesping, DESY |
Fermilab hosts TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting

During a tour of Fermilab's new ILC facilities, meeting attendees visited the Cryomodule Assembly Building. |
Last week, more than 100 scientists from around the world met at Fermilab to discuss recipes for baking, rinsing and polishing. Not the kind used for baking a cake, instead attendees at the TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting shared information about developing the optimal recipe for pushing superconducting radiofrequency, or SCRF, technology forward.
-- Elizabeth Clements |
From FYI: The AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News
30 April 2007
Senate Passes Major S&T Bill
Last week, the Senate passed by an overwhelming margin a comprehensive S&T authorization bill demonstrating the great concern there is on Capitol Hill about America's scientific and technological competitiveness.
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From Kane County Chronicle
29 April 2007
Fermilab to avoid shutdown
... Once the LHC is complete, it, not Fermilab’s Tevatron, will be the largest collider in the world. That led to another top priority, research and development for the International Linear Collider, a proposed next-generation accelerator Fermilab is vying to host.
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26 April 2007
Closing the gap: descent of the last LHC magnet
A ceremony was held at CERN today to mark the end of a crucial phase of installation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A large dipole magnet was
symbolically lowered into the tunnel at 12:00.
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24 April 2007
Revamped experiment could detect elusive particle, physicists say
An experiment called "shining light through walls" would seem hard to improve upon. But University of Florida physicists have proposed a way to do
just that, a step they say considerably improves the chance of detecting one
of the universe's most elusive particles, a candidate for the common but
mysterious dark matter.
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Thanks, Gerry...welcome, Mike

Michael Harrison of Brookhaven National Laboratory, new Regional Director for the Americas |
It is my great pleasure to announce the appointment of Dr. Michael Harrison of Brookhaven National Laboratory as the new GDE Regional Director for the Americas, succeeding Professor Gerry Dugan of Cornell University as of 1 May 2007.
The very first appointments I made when I became GDE Director were the three Regional Directors: Brian Foster for Europe, Fumihiko Takasaki for Asia and Gerry Dugan for the Americas. Their primary responsibility is to coordinate the ILC R&D programmes within Europe, Asia and the Americas, to ensure that they are as consistent as possible with the GDE priorities. A year ago, one of our Regional Directors, Fumihiko Takasaki, was promoted to become Director of the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies at KEK Laboratory, and Mitsuaki Nozaki replaced him as the GDE Asian Regional Director. This month, Gerry Dugan will start his phased retirement and step down as the Americas Regional Director.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |