R&D panel reviews calorimetry R&D for ILC detectors

The Calorimetry Review Panel also inspected calorimeter R&D results at DESY. |
The calorimeters for the ILC detectors have to show excellent performance if researchers want to fully exploit the physics potential of the ILC. Many processes that are unique for the physics programme of the ILC are characterised by multiple-jet production that can be reconstructed by new calorimetry techniques to very high energies with unprecedented precision. The goal is to improve the jet energy resolution already achieved by a factor of two to fulfil the physics requirements the best possible way. Hence we need to develop these novel technologies and show that they work by ‘proof of principle’.
-- Wolfgang Lohmann, DESY Zeuthen (Chair of the Calorimetry Review Panel) |
FJPPL Workshop: Building the bridge to the future basic science

Participants at the FJPPL workshop |
The particle physics world has long been exchanging researchers internationally. One of the reasons for this active exchange is particle physicists share a common interest in the universal questions: How did the universe begin? What are the origins of mass? In addition, as the scale of accelerator facilities grows larger, it becomes difficult for each country to build and maintain their number of accelerators that are each suited for different purposes. This reality pushes researchers to travel abroad, wherever the accelerators are available.
-- Rika Takahashi |
From Fermilab Today
12 June 2007
Director's Corner - DESY
A little over a week ago, the combined ILC GDE and ILC World Wide Study took place at DESY.
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From FYI: AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News
12 June 2007
House Appropriations Committee Backs Full FY 2008 DOE Science Request
...The Committee supports the requested increase in research and development activities, from $30,000,000 to $60,000,000, to prepare for the International Linear Collider (ILC), including detailed studies of possible U.S. sites for the ILC.
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From PhysicsWeb
June 2007
Sounds out the Big Bang
Gravitational waves offer a unique way of studying inflation and other fundamental processes of the very early universe, explains Craig J Hogan, and may even connect string theory with the world of experiment.
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From Fermilab Today
8 June 2007
Strong Fermilab future essential for US particle physics
“We have the responsibility to assure that the US particle physics program stays healthy,” DOE's Robin Staffin, Associate Director for High Energy Physics told Fermilab users, even with a stretched-out schedule for the proposed International Linear Collider.
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From Fermilab Today
8 June 2007
Policymakers share view on LHC, ILC and budgets
...Kathryn Beers, of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, spoke about the need for interagency cooperation among DOE, NSF and NASA, as well as for international planning “as we see for the ILC and ITER.”
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From New Scientist
5 June 2007
World's biggest particle collider is delayed again
Particle physicists seeking to uncover the secrets of the universe will have a little longer to wait after the CERN laboratory in Switzerland confirmed a delay in the start-up of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - the world's most powerful particle accelerator.
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A technically driven timeline for the ILC

A technically driven timeline for the ILC |
Last week, I made a presentation at Fermilab’s 40th Annual Users Meeting where I focused on the GDE’s technically driven timeline for the ILC. Following Ray Orbach’s statement that the ILC completion will likely be delayed until 2025 or later, Fermilab has undertaken a study to develop a strategic plan for the laboratory that takes into account a possible stretched out schedule for the ILC. Young-Kee Kim, deputy director of Fermilab, is leading the study with a goal of producing recommendations later this summer. In the context of this study, I decided it was important for me to lay out the basis of our GDE project timeline.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Der Internationale Linearcollider

If you think you've seen this before, look again: it's not in English! The
German version of the ILC brochure is now available.
Order your copy now if
you want to know more about Rätsel des Universums!
arXiv preprints
11 Jun 2007
The effects of the little Higgs models on production via γγ collision at linear colliders
7 Jun 2007
TeV scale model for neutrino masses, dark matter and leptogenesis