A night of wonder

Fujimoto (left) and Yamashita(second from left) giving a lecture with the four moderators by their side. (From left: Yuji Kaida, writer and illustrator, Aya Kaida, novelist, Hidenori Shibao, game creator, and Kenichi Kojima) |
Men and women wearing gaudy dresses, looking for customers under garish neon signs – this is a common sight in Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku, a famous entertainment and red-light district in Tokyo, Japan. Walking down an alleyway that has countless bars and nightclubs, you will see a hand-written sign posted on the billboard of a shabby building that says, “The Accelerator’s Night 3.”
-- Rika Takahashi |
Mapping a magnet

A three-lab team is working on mapping the Japanese magnet that went to space. |
Three pairs of eyes cast one last look around the room. Have all scissors, ladders, metallic tables been removed? No pins or pens lying around anymore? Once the team is sure that nothing is left in the area, they close the security doors and give the go-ahead – the magnet that has been to space can be charged for the first time since its arrival at its new home in the DESY test beam. Before its field of 1 Tesla can bend the tracks of particles in a EUDET detector prototype, however, the scientists have to map the field very precisely. And they don’t want steel-capped boots flying into the coil.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
STF Progress Report

KEK's new vertical test stand in preparation in the Superconducting Test Facility building. Two deep holes have been prepared for accommodating vertical cryostats.
From New York Times
24 July 2007
At Fermilab, the Race Is on for the ‘God Particle’
In 1977, Steven Weinberg, then two years shy of the Nobel Prize in Physics, decided to do a little of what some theorists call 'ambulance chasing.'
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From Nature Magazine
19 July 2007
How the LHC came to be
(subscription required)
The idea of following CERN's Large Electron–Positron Collider (LEP) with a Large Hadron Collider (LHC), housed in the same tunnel, dates back at least to 1977, only two years after LEP itself was conceived.
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From Scenta
17 July 2007
Space probe
A UK-developed key component of the International Linear Collider (ILC) - one of science's most ambitious ever projects - has successfully completed prototype testing.
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FALC meeting in Rome

Roberto Petronzio, President of INFN, chairing FALC meeting |
One of our most important and challenging goals for the ILC will be to develop government agreements that will underlie a true international governance for the ILC. We are a long way from achieving that goal, and I anticipate that will be done as part of bringing together multiple government commitments to the project. In the absence of having the oversight and guidance that comes with formal governance, the R&D and engineering design phase of the ILC is guided on the technical side by ICFA and its subcommittee, ILC Steering Committee, and on the government side, through the Funding Agencies for Large Colliders (FALC), an informal group of representatives of governments and funding agencies from around the world. The most recent meeting of FALC was held in Rome on 11 July at INFN Headquarters. This was an important meeting for the GDE, because we formally presented our Reference Design Report (RDR) to FALC, as well as our plans for developing an engineering design and report (EDR) over the next three years.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
arXiv preprints
21 July 2007
Collider Signals of Gravitational Fixed Points
20 July 2007
Triple Higgs boson production in the Linear Collider
20 July 2007
Probing Little Higgs Model in Process
ILC Notes
R&D for the International Linear Collider
Commodity Computing Architecture for ILC Reference Design
Timing and RF Phase Reference for ILC Reference Design
Report to the Calorimeter R&D Review Panel
Vacuum Guidelines for the ILC Vacuum Systems