Getting the interaction point right

A model of displacements within the detector (here SiD) if it was lifted by its left front and back right corners. |
Like the rest of society, the ILC community is split into two categories: the early risers and the night owls. Workshop organiser Andrei Seryi considers himself a night owl. Nevertheless he is up at 5 and in the lab at 6 am many days per week these weeks, holding phone meetings with the rest of the world. Some hundred specialists are already extremely busy preparing for the ILC interaction region engineering design workshop, or IRENG07, at SLAC in September. Their goal: to have all the facts together to take important decisions for the ILC’s interaction region.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
Lepton-Photon 2007 Daegu, Korea 13-18 August 2007
CHEP 07 - International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics Victoria, Canada 2-7 September 2007
VII International workshop on Problems of Charged Particle Accelerators: Electron-positron Colliders JINR-BINP, Alushta (Crimea, Ukraine) 2-8 September 2007
TWEPP 2007 Prague, Czech Republic 3-7 Sept 2007
IEEE EUROCON 2007 Warsaw, Poland 9-12 Sept 2007
12th International Workshop on Polarized Sources and Targets (PST 2007) Brookhaven National Laboratory 10-14 September 2007
ILC Positron Source Collaboration Meeting Argonne National Laboratory 17-19 September 2007
Workshop on ILC Interaction Region Engineering Design SLAC 17-21 September 2007
Upcoming schools
Second International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders Ettore Majorana Center, Erice (Sicily), Italy 1-10 October 2007
= Collaboration-wide Meetings
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
Construction of Fermilab’s ILC Test Area moves forward

Getting ready to house the first crymodules: Fermilab's ILCTA. |
As ILC research and development efforts ramp up around the world, Fermilab is preparing to make an important contribution. Engineers and technicians at the lab’s new ILC Test Area (ILCTA) have worked hard all summer creating a state-of-the-art cryomodule test facility, and the infrastructure is almost complete.
-- J. Bryan Lowder |
From SLAC Today
14 August 2007
First Warm Accelerator Structure Fabricated for Cold Machine
The Klystron Microwave Department has finished fabricating the first warm "L-Band" accelerator structure to fill a unique niche in the International Linear Collider (ILC) project.
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From Fermilab Today
14 August 2007
Director's Corner: Roadmap
Last week I received from the Steering Group the draft report of a roadmap for the future accelerator-based particle physics program centered at Fermilab.
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From Fermilab Today
14 August 2007
Fermilab's Vertical Test Stand paves way for ILC
While the International Linear Collider is still in the planning stage, Fermilab is taking part in cutting-edge research that will be crucial to turn the ILC into a reality.
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From Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
13 August 2007
University laments Julius Wess
...Julius Wess was one of the most renowned and successful theoretical particle physicists as exemplified by important awards...
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13 August 2007
How was the universe born?
Big Bang theory aims to solve mystery but scientists don't completely buy it.
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10 August 2007
Gravity still stumps scientists
The wimpiest force in the universe is tough to explain.
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From Fermilab Today
10 August 2007
Meson Lab roof repairs aim to re-engineer art
...A team of engineers and contractors is currently mounting an effort to fix the leaks. Success is crucial, as the lab is home to important International Linear Collider research, with more to come.
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From SLAC Today
9 August 2007
A Historic Magnet Finds New Life in ESA
...Part of the ILC energy spectrometer R&D program, T-475 is testing a synchrotron radiation detector based on quartz fibers, an idea largely inspired by the original Stanford Linear Collider WIre Synchrotron Radiation Detector (SLC WISRD) spectrometer.
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Physics of the top quark
This week I am participating in the XXIII International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energy (LP07) in Daegu, Korea from 13 to 18 August 2007.

Robin Erbacher keeping very good company. |
The Lepton-Photon Symposium is held every other year and is sponsored by the International Union for Physics and Applied Physics (IUPAP). It is the major international particle physics conference in odd-numbered years and maintains a very successful format of all-plenary rapporteur talks that review the current status of a broad range of topics at the forefront of particle physics research.
This year's meeting got off to a good start, as the very first scientific talk was on the physics of the top quark.
In a fast moving field like particle physics, we often joke that this year's discovery becomes next year's background as we quickly move on to new science goals. On the other hand, a new discovery can just as well open up promising new areas of research. Here at LP07, Robin Erbacher of University of California at Davis presented a talk packed with results on “Top Quark Properties” that illustrates the richness and potential of pursing studies of our heaviest quark.
-- Barry Barish
Further reading: Want to know more about the top quark? Read “Secrets of a Heavyweight” in the latest issue of symmetry magazine.
Director's Corner Archive |
RDR handover
 On Wednesday 15 August Barry Barish officially handed over the final version of the Reference Design Report to ILCSC chair Shin-ichi Kurokawa. All four volumes are available for download at
EUROTeV Reports
Collimation Optimisation in the Beam Delivery System of the International Linear Collider
Precision Beam Position Monitor for EUROTeV
Turnaround Feed-Forward Correction at the ILC
Reduction of the Non-Linearities in the DAFNE Main Rings Wigglers