Texas team proposes new superconducting cavity design

View of an assembled polyhedral cavity from the outside. |
At Texas A&M University, a team led by Peter McIntyre has developed a new design for superconducting cavities for linear colliders, perhaps even the International Linear Collider. Their polyhedral cavity design, which is only in its beginning stages and requires a significant amount of R&D, could offer such benefits as increasing the accelerating gradient and making the cavities more cost-efficient.
-- Amelia Williamson
View slides: "Polyhedral Cavities for Linac Colliders," Peter McIntyre, Al McInturff, Nathaniel Pogue, and Akhdiyor Sattarov, Department of Physics, Texas A&M University
Live from the test beam: calorimetry rises from the ashes

The morning shift rotates the HCal to 60 degrees for the last three days of data taking. Click here to see a slideshow of the test beam time. |
This summer, a stage was all the world for some of the men and women of the CALICE collaboration. For the first time, the full prototypes of the electromagnetic calorimeter, the hadronic calorimeter and the tailcatcher and muon tracker (designed and built by international collaborations and assembled in Paris, Hamburg and Northern Illinois respectively) played lead roles in the SPS test beam at CERN. In more than two months, the collaboration collected more than 100 million events, nearly 14 terabytes of data, thus not only testing their prototypes but also the data grid.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
From Fermilab Today
29 August 2007
Kim presents plan to Fermilab audience
The roadmap to Fermilab's future continues to point toward the proposed International Linear Collider, said Fermilab Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim at a labwide meeting on Friday.
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From WIRED Magazine
27 August 2007
Fermilab Proposes New "Project X" Particle Smasher
...Last week, Fermilab directors quietly outlined plans for a new accelerator in the Batavia, Ill. facility, temporarily dubbed "Project X," that would help keep the lab active and in the forefront of research while it bids to host a larger international project designed to complement the European experiments.
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From The Courier News
25 August 2007
Fermilab unveils 'Project X' plans
A new machine: Plan aims to keep lab viable in future, with or without ILC.
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From SLAC Today
23 August 2007
New Project Tools to Coordinate ILC Design
International Linear Collider (ILC) researchers from around the globe are beginning the project's engineering design with a new set of tools that will allow decentralized collaborators to work in concert.
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From Nature
23 August 2007
The theatre of quantum physics
Finn Aaserud reviews Faust in Copenhagen: A Struggle for the Soul of Physics by Gino Segrè
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From Asimmetrie
June 2007
La matera oscura - E allora la fabbrichiamo...
(...) presumibilmente, sarà necessario un apparato in grado di eseguire misure più precise prima di poter dire la parola finale su tale identificazione. Un acceleratore di questo tipo è già in via di progettazione: si tratta dell’Ilc (International Linear Collider) (...)
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The ILC Engineering Design Phase – Towards the production of an Engineering Design Report
Today's issue features a Director's Corner from Marc Ross, Project Manager for the Global Design Effort.

Marc Ross |
In August 2007, the Global Design Effort for the International Linear Collider published a Reference Design Report that contains a
description of the design
of the linear collider and a 'value' cost estimate.
The design described in the RDR and its associated estimate allow the GDE to plan and prioritise the next phase of the ILC, the creation of an engineering design and the production, by mid 2010, of an Engineering Design Report.
-- Marc Ross
Director's Corner Archive |
Staffers tour ILC facilities at Fermilab

Last week, Christopher King, Adam Rosenberg and Michelle Dallafior, three staffers of the US House Committee on Science & Technology, visited Fermilab. Expressing an interest in the ILC, the staffers visited Fermilab's Cryomodule Assembly Facility, where technicians are in the process of stringing cavities together for the first cryomodule to be built in the US. "Hopefully we can act as a conduit, providing as much information to the decision makers as possible," said King at a meeting with Director Pier Oddone, Deputy Director Young-Kee Kim and members of the ILC project.
Register for ALCPG07
The joint meeting of the American Linear Collider Physics Group and ILC Global Design Effort will take place at Fermilab on 22-26 October. The deadline to register is 12 October. A block of rooms has been reserved for meeting attendees at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL. This block of rooms will only be held until 19 September. Meeting attendees are encouraged to book your rooms soon. Questions? Contact Cynthia M. Sazama.
More information
ILC Notes
Design Requirements for the Undulator Photon Dump
Beam-Gas Interactions in the ILC Beam Delivery System
arXiv preprints
24 Aug 2007
Impact of Unparticles on Asymptotic Freedom and Unification of Gauge Couplings
22 Aug 2007
ILC Positron Production Target Simulation
22 Aug 2007
QCD corrections to productions via photon-photon collisions at linear colliders
21 Aug 2007
Higgs bosons of the NMSSM with explicit CP violation at the ILC
20 Aug 2007
Search for effects beyond Standard Model in photon scatterings and in nonminimal gauge theories on linear colliders of new generation