Korea gets ready for the next-generation project

Young Uk Sohn explains about Korea's superconducting cavity programme. |
“Daegu is exactly a one-hour drive away from Pohang. So I visit Daegu frequently, and vice versa, because people from Kyongpook National University come to Pohang,” said Won Namkung, professor at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and Asian Linear Collider Steering Committee chair. These two cities, Daegu and Pohang, are the centres for Korean ILC R&D. Ever since one of the centres, the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), a synchrotron light source facility in Korea, organised an ILC Task Force Team in 2004, the members have been working in various fields of study and have already achieved some milestones.
-- Rika Takahashi |
Piece by piece
Fermilab and DESY collaborate to build the first U.S. cryomodule

Fermilab and DESY technicians work together in the clean room at MP9 to string the first four cavities together. |
The 1200 parts started to arrive at Fermilab in June. When fully assembled, these many parts will make up the first cryomodule for International Linear Collider R&D in the United States. The ILC will ultimately require 1680 of these cooled modules that hold the superconducting cavities, maintaining a temperature only two degrees above absolute zero. This first US cryomodule -which will only be used for R&D purposes-represents a special collaboration between Fermilab and DESY.
-- Elizabeth Clements |
Open House

Last Sunday, 2 September, KEK hosted an open house. About 3800 people took part in the scientific fun and attended KEK scientists' lectures, played with scientific toys, and enjoyed facility tours. KEK scientist Nobuhiro Terunuma (above) explained how the Accelerator Test Facility works to open-house attendees.
From CERN Courier
September 2007
KEK achieves first operation of crab cavities
Crab cavities will also play a role in achieving high luminosity at other machines with a crossing angle, including the proposed International Linear Collider, upgrades of the LHC at CERN, and future synchrotron light sources.
Read more... |
From Physics World
3 September 2007
In its near 40-year history, string theory has gone from a theory of hadrons to a theory of everything to, possibly, a theory of nothing.
Read more... |
From Science Magazine
31 August 2007
Fermilab Proposes Way Station on the Road to the ILC
Facing an uncertain future, officials at the last dedicated particle physics lab in the United States have developed a backup plan in case their grand ambition to host a gargantuan international collider were seriously delayed.
(subscription required) |
The Reference Design Report is now official
We released a draft version of the ILC Reference Design Report last February. Since that time, the accelerator section has undergone reviews by the ILCSC Machine Advisory Committee and by a special international panel for our cost estimates and future plans. In addition, we added some missing sections, improved figures, tables and text.

The four volume set, constituting the ILC Reference Design Report |
We also worked jointly with the writers of the detector and physics volumes to create one Executive Summary that represents the entire report. The Detector Concept Report went through its own evolution. The DCR editors posted a draft for comment from the experimental community last spring and incorporated those suggestions. The final product is an attractive and readable four-volume report that we recently submitted to our two oversight committees, the Funding Agencies for Large Colliders (FALC) and the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC). They both accepted the RDR, making it official. I am announcing that we are now making it available for download. We are also in the process of printing the report, and you can submit a request to receive the four-volume set when it is available later this autumn.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Register for ALCPG07
The joint meeting of the American Linear Collider Physics Group and ILC Global Design Effort will take place at Fermilab on 22-26 October. The deadline to register is 12 October. A block of rooms has been reserved for meeting attendees at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL. This block of rooms will only be held until 19 September. Meeting attendees are encouraged to book your rooms soon. Questions? Contact Cynthia M. Sazama.
More information
Submit LCWS/ILC07 Proceedings
The deadline for submission of proceedings contributions is 15 September. Instructions are available online.
arXiv preprints
2 Sep 2007
WMAP-Compliant Benchmark Surfaces for MSSM Higgs Bosons
1 Sep 2007
Off-Shell and Interference Effects for SUSY Particle Production
1 Sep 2007
Two Higgs Bi-doublet Left-Right Model With Spontaneous P and CP Violation
31 Aug 2007
ILC Sensitivity on Generic New Physics in Quartic Gauge Couplings
30 Aug 2007
Light Pseudoscalars in Little Higgs Models at the ILC
30 Aug 2007
WHIZARD: Simulating Multi-Particle Processes at LHC and ILC