Lesson-Learning from CMS

One of the many different shaft and hall configurations, this one showing each ILC detector with its own large shaft. |
Alain Hervé already has the experience of building two enormous detectors under his belt, and it looks like he is going to help in a third one. Technical coordinator at CERN of both L3 at LEP and CMS at the LHC, the Breton has now been called as an expert to help in the interaction region design, cavern and detector assembly planning for the ILC and its detectors. He is taking part in preparatory phone conferences for the IRENG workshop and co-convenes Work Group A that looks at how to design, install and open experiments.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
Windy city prepares for ALCPG07

Take a close look at the ALCPG07 poster -- notice anything special? |
Get ready for deep-dish pizza and hot dogs piled high with onions, peppers and a pickle because the 2007 American Linear Collider Physics Group and International Linear Collider Global Design Effort meetings are heading for the windy city. Fermilab, located just outside Chicago, Illinois, will host the joint ALCPG07 meeting on 22-26 October in a continuing series of workshops on the physics, detector and accelerator issues of the proposed ILC. Interested participants should register soon, as the deadline to book a hotel room is 21 September.
-- Elizabeth Clements |
Piece of cake!

The CALICE collaboration is meeting in Prague this week. The 72 participants are discussing progress on R&D, making plans for the future and also had an impressive CALICE cake at their welcome evening. More on the meeting's talks, cakes and CALICE news in a future issue of NewsLine.
From interactions.org
10 September 2007
Drell appointed acting director at SLAC as Dorfan accepts new university position
Persis Drell, deputy director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), has been appointed acting director by university President John Hennessy while the search for the successor to Jonathan Dorfan continues during the fall.
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From interactions.org
10 September 2007
Open Acces to High Energies
The CNRS Institut de physique nucléaire et de physique des particules (IN2P3) has just signed an agreement with the Journal of High Energy Physics stating that the articles written by its researchers will be made freely available without charge to the whole international community.
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From Kane County Chronicle
9 September 2007
Buying time at Fermilab
Young-Kee Kim believes that the team at Fermilab can find the prized Higgs boson - and the public relations boost that would accompany the discovery of the prized subatomic particle.
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From SLAC Today
6 September 2007
Groovy Project Solving Cloudy Problem
... While electron clouds presently pose little threat to the PEP-II beam, they are a major concern for the International Linear Collider (ILC) or a future B-factory project.
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From iSGTW
12 September 2007
CNRS launches Institut des Grilles
More than 15 CNRS laboratories from four scientific departments and two national institutes are taking part in the new institute, which aims to consolidate the existing grid production infrastructures, to reinforce research in grid computing and to increase synergy between the various stakeholders.
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Towards organising the ILC engineering design effort

A possible model for damping ring organisation during the engineering design phase. |
In order to have the strength and organisation we need to carry out an ILC engineering design over the next three years, the GDE Executive Committee has been carefully considering how to reorganise our efforts following completion of the Reference Design Report. Brian Foster, the GDE Regional Director for Europe, led the discussions within the Executive Committee, which also included open discussions at major GDE meetings and presentations to our Machine Advisory Committee. The key conclusions were that we needed to form a more traditional project management to guide the effort, to increase the number of engineering managers in key positions and to organise the work around formal work packages with the GDE institutions. As a next step toward achieving these goals, we appointed a task force to give us advice on implementing this plan. This week I received the report from this group. This task force report will now be discussed and fully taken into account in the first release of the EDR Project Management Plan we are formulating and will release later this fall.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Submit LCWS/ILC07 Proceedings
The deadline for submission of proceedings contributions is 15 September. Instructions are available online.
ILC Report
International Linear Collider Reference Design Report 2007
arXiv preprints
10 Sep 2007
Progress with Particle Flow Calorimetry
10 Sep 2007
A MAPS-based Digital Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the ILC
10 Sep 2007
R&D Status of ATF2 IP Beam Size Monitor (Shintake Monitor)
7 Sep 2007
Impact of slepton generation mixing on the search for sneutrinos
7 Sep 2007
Detection of long-lived staus and gravitinos at the ILC
6 Sep 2007
An experimental program for demonstrating precision jet energy measurement at the ILC
6 Sep 2007
Physics at International Linear Collider (ILC)
6 Sep 2007
Muon Identification without Iron