Kicking off a new phase

Project managers Ross and Yamamoto during the meeting at KEK. (Photo courtesy of Nobu Toge.) |
Since their appointment in May, the three Global Design Effort Project Managers have been busy scheduling and planning the Engineering Design Report kick-off meetings. Since mid-August they have been touring the world for these meetings. Their purpose is, of course, to kick-start the engineering design phase of the International Linear Collider. During one of these recent meetings, from 10-14 September, the members of the ILC community gathered at KEK to discuss conventional facilities and siting, cryomodules and cryogenics.
-- Rika Takahashi |
From SLAC Today: Groovy Project Solving Cloudy Problem

Mauro Pivi holds a section of beam pipe with built-in grooves. (Image courtesy of Brad Plummer.) |
Experiments in the PEP-II accelerator have shown that beam pipes with grooves can snare unwelcome electrons, greatly reducing the formation of electron clouds that can disturb the beam.
-- Heather Rock Woods, SLAC Today |
Project managers at work

GDE Project Managers Nick Walker, Akira Yamamoto and Marc Ross (left to right) sneak a peek while taking a tour at DESY.
From Fermilab Today
18 September 2007
ILC Citizens' Task Force tours underground tunnels
Community leaders and media representatives went underground and toured the NuMI tunnel and halls Saturday to get an up close look at how civil engineering and science go hand in hand.
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17 September 2007
Argonne physicists create landmark accelerator gradient
...High-energy physicists have begun to realize that they cannot continue their decades-long trend of building ever-larger accelerators, said John Power, a physicist in the AWA group. He sees projects like CERN's Large Hadron Collider, with a circumference of about 17 miles, or the proposed 20-to-25-mile-long International Linear Collider (ILC) as the ceiling for traditional accelerators.
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From Fermilab Today
17 September 2007
Obama representative eyes Fermilab's economic future
...The laboratory has an annual budget of about $340 million, a figure that would grow if Fermilab was to host the proposed International Linear Collider in the next decade.
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From Kane County Chronicle
16 September 2007
Tunnel vision
...The tourists were members of the International Linear Collider Citizens’ Task Force, a group of local officials and lab neighbors trying to see whether a Fermilab tunnel under their homes would work.
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From symmetry magazine
August 2007
A lab away from home
Dogs get jet lag. That's what Tor Raubenheimer, a physicist at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in California, learned when he moved in 1996 for a one-year fellowship at CERN, the European particle physics lab.
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From Nature Magazine
12 September 2007
Accelerator physics: The plasma revolution
...Many particle physicists think that if the planned International Linear Collider — a US$7-billion electron–positron collider that could begin operation within a decade — gets the go ahead, it may be the last large accelerator to be built for many decades as governments put a squeeze on funding.
(subscription required)
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Project X at Fermilab
“What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.”
(William Shakespeare (1564-1616), Romeo and Juliet II, ii, 1-2)

In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare dramatised the lack of significance of the actual name given to something. |
These days it seems that the questions I am asked most frequently are not about what gradient we will achieve for the ILC, not who will be the ILC Research Director, the next SLAC Director or the CERN Director General. Instead, I receive both genuine and rhetorical questions about Fermilab’s proposed Project X. People ask me: Why is it being proposed? What is Project X? What are the science goals and opportunities? How will Project X impact the GDE and ILC? What are the technological challenges and issues? And so forth. These represent a very complex set of questions, and I would like to share some of my personal responses to them, not necessarily representing the official views of the GDE.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Register for ALCPG07
The joint meeting of the American Linear Collider Physics Group and ILC Global Design Effort will take place at Fermilab on 22-26 October. The deadline to register is 12 October. A block of rooms has been reserved at a favourable price for meeting attendees at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL. This block of rooms will only be held until 21 September. Meeting attendees are encouraged to book your rooms soon. Free transporation between the conference hotel and Fermilab will be provided. Questions? Contact Cynthia M. Sazama.
More information
Questions wanted for dueling pianos
Submit your questions now for the “Dueling Pianos” session scheduled for the evening of 23 October during the ALCPG07 workshop at Fermilab. The session will be a town hall meeting with a twist. Workshop attendees will submit questions ahead of time. Each question will then get forwarded to two attendees, who will be asked to prepare brief responses. Just like dueling pianos - sometimes the answers will produce harmony, while other discussions may highlight competing forces. Workshop participants may submit questions online.
ILC-Asia Note
Estimation of Transient Lorentz Detuning of ICHIRO Cavity with Helium Jacket
arXiv preprints
18 Sep 2007
Simulation Studies and Detector Scenarios for an ILC Polarimeter
18 Sep 2007
Resolution Studies of GEM/Timepix Detector with 5 GeV electrons
18 Sep 2007
Lepton Flavour Violation at the ILC
17 Sep 2007
Test Stand Measurements for an ILC Polarimeter
17 Sep 2007
CP Violation in SUSY Particle Production and Decay
17 Sep 2007
Model-independent WIMP Searches at the ILC
15 Sep 2007
The ILC Energy Requirements from the Constraints on New Boson Production at the Tevatron
14 Sep 2007
The Noncommutative Standard Model at the ILC
14 Sep 2007
Two-Loop Electroweak NLL Corrections: from Massless to Massive Fermions
14 Sep 2007
High Resolution Cavity BPM for ILC Final Focal System (IP-BPM)
14 Sep 2007
Update on Ion Studies
14 Sep 2007
Correlation between the Charged Current Interactions of Light and Heavy Majorana Neutrinos
12 Sep 2007
Monte Carlo Simulations for NLO Chargino Production at the ILCs