CALICE gathers forces to design the calorimeters of the future

Prague by night (photo courtesy of Renata Louvarova, Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague) |
The CALICE (Calorimeter for Linear Collider Experiment) collaboration is growing and anticipating the future of ILC calorimeters. The members not only prepare test-beams for the current generation of calorimeter prototypes, but they also prepare the future design of ILC sub-detectors. A record number of 72 CALICE members reviewed and discussed all these aspects two weeks ago in Prague during a collaboration meeting.
-- Perrine Royole-Degieux |
LDC and GLD become ILD

Cooperating was already a tradition for scientists working on different detectors. |
Scientists are a self-organised and democratic lot. As such, they like bottom-up approaches: ask everybody involved, test all options and find the best and most logical consensus. The most recent example of this approach is the cooperation between the two detector concepts the Large Detector Concept and the Global Large Detector. Starting from first ideas during LCWS in Hamburg this summer, the two groups decided to combine their concepts into one and write a common Letter of Intent.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
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From Interactions News Wire
25 September 2007
Wolfgang K.H. Panofsky, renowned Stanford physicist and arms control advocate, dies at 88
Wolfgang "Pief" Panofsky, professor of physics at Stanford University and Director Emeritus of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), died of a heart attack in Los Altos, California, on Monday, September 24. He was 88 years old.
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From Fermilab Today
25 September 2007
Fermilab makes case to keep Tevatron on
Fermilab Director Pier Oddone called for an extension of running at the Tevatron through 2010 to keep accelerator-based physics research vibrant and give the Large Hadron Collider a boost.
Read more... |
From SLAC Today
20 September 2007
The Next Generation of RF Power Sources
...the Klystron and Microwave Department is currently working on the next generation of accelerator radio frequency (RF) power sources to power the International Linear Collider (ILC).
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ILC Americas Regional Team progress report
Today's issue features a Director's Corner from Mike Harrison, GDE Americas Regional Director.

Superconducting cavity R&D played a large role during this past fiscal year in the Americas region. (Photo Fermilab) |
The first of October marks the start of the US fiscal year. As the process of allocating resources to the various Americas region ILC activities begins, it is natural to reflect on the past 12 months as we look forward to the upcoming year. The recently published ILC reference design provides a strong technical basis for the increasingly global ILC R&D programme, and the Americas regional programme reflects this state of affairs.
-- Mike Harrison
Director's Corner Archive |
Register for ALCPG07
The joint meeting of the American Linear Collider Physics Group and ILC Global Design Effort will take place at Fermilab on 22-26 October. The deadline to register is 12 October. A block of rooms has been reserved at a favourable price for meeting attendees at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL. Meeting attendees are encouraged to book your rooms soon. Free transporation between the conference hotel and Fermilab will be provided. Questions? Contact Cynthia M. Sazama.
More information
Questions wanted for dueling pianos
Submit your questions now for the “Dueling Pianos” session scheduled for the evening of 23 October during the ALCPG07 workshop at Fermilab. The session will be a town hall meeting with a twist. Workshop attendees will submit questions ahead of time. Each question will then get forwarded to two attendees, who will be asked to prepare brief responses. Just like dueling pianos - sometimes the answers will produce harmony, while other discussions may highlight competing forces. Workshop participants may submit questions online.
ILC Notes
Pressure Vessel and Shockwave Issues in the ILC Main Beam Dumps
Radioisotope Production and Management in the ILC Main Beam Dumps
arXiv preprints
24 Sep 2007
Little Higgs Model Discrimination at the LHC and ILC
20 Sep 2007
Single Production of Heavy Charged Leptons at the ILC
20 Sep 2007
BFKL resummation effects in exclusive production of rho meson pairs at the ILC
EUROTeV 2006 Reports
Computational Needs for the ILC
Fast and Precise Luminosity Measurement at the ILC