Meet John Osborne

The three Conventional Facilities & Siting Group leaders (left to right), Vic Kuchler, John Osborne and Atsushi Enomoto. |
International Linear Collider workshops tend to be hectic. Meetings are scheduled back to back and often overlap. The days start early and end late. The coffee breaks are a brief, necessary respite. In a virtual collaboration, the three Conventional Facilities & Siting Group leaders understand that face to face time is precious, making it easy to spot the trio together. A meal together here and a coffee there can add up to a lot, and the CFS group leaders take advantage of every minute. For this next workshop at Fermilab from 22-26 October, however, there will be a new CFS co-leader on the block – John Osborne from CERN.
-- Elizabeth Clements |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
CLIC07 CERN 16-18 October 2007
ALCPG 2007 Fermilab 22-26 October 2007
2007 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 27 October - 3 November 2007
CARE07 Annual Meeting
29-31 October 2007
CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop and 1st Asia ILC R&D Seminar
IHEP, Beijing, China
5-7 November 2007
ILC EDMS Power User Training
26-30 November 2007
International Vacuum Symposium, IVS-2007 Homi Bhabha Auditorium, TIFR, Colaba, Mumbai, India 28-30 November 2007 Symposium Poster, Symposium Brochure
Upcoming schools
US Particle Accelerator School UC at Santa Cruz 14-25 January 2007
= Collaboration-wide Meetings
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
Telescope arms open wide

Some members of the JRA1 team took their telescope on a tour. |
The EUDET telescope, a high-precision device that lets detector developers check the accuracy of their prototype by using particle beams and the EUDET telescope and comparing with accurately its determined tracks, has just finished a marathon in test beams around Europe. During six weeks in beams at DESY and CERN its makers tested it to the core and are now happy to pass their instrument on to users.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
International Linear Collider launches new
"Gateway to the Quantum Universe" report and website
The International Linear Collider community today released a new report, "The International Linear Collider - Gateway to the Quantum Universe" to mark the beginning of a new phase for the proposed particle accelerator. The document serves as a companion piece to the recently published Reference Design Report and highlights the scientific goals and technical challenges of the proposed machine. The report also has a companion website at
Fête de la Science in France

The whole of France is celebrating a week of science this week. Many CNRS labs open their gates to schoolkids and the general public, stage exhibitions, talks and hands-on experiments. The kids in the picture are busy experimenting with a 'nervosimeter' - an ingenious device that tells your state of calm - at LAL in Orsay.
From Scientific American
November 2007 issue
The Great Cosmic Roller-Coaster Ride
Could cosmic inflation be a sign that our universe is embedded in a far vaster realm
Read more... |
From Fermilab Today
17 October 2007
Dimidium facti, qui coepit, habet
...Supporting ILC development and preparing Fermilab for a potential U.S. ILC bid are top priorities for Fermilab.
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From Fermilab Today
17 October 2007
Cold, complete and ready to make history
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From Fermilab Today
16 October 2007
Letter from Ray L. Orbach, DOE Under Secretary for Science
... I am detailing Dr. Dennis Kovar to serve as the acting director of the Office of High Energy Physics.
Read more... |
From U.S. Department of Energy
11 October 2007
DOE Office of Science Publishes Update of Landmark Plan: "Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook"
... The new Interim Report provides a summary update on the status of the original 28 facilities and features three charts.
Read more... |
Frosting on the cake
Today we mark the conclusion of the Reference Design Report phase of the International Linear Collider Global Design Effort with the release of our document, The International Linear Collider: Gateway to the Quantum Universe.

The companion to the RDR: Gateway to the Quantum Universe |
This new document is a companion to our four-volume technical set, the Reference Design Report, that describes the physics of the terascale, the ILC reference design and detector concepts. In fact, the companion document is, in a sense, the frosting on our four-layer cake. It tells our story to a much broader and less technical audience, including policy makers, scientists in other fields, and scientifically interested members of the general public. The RDR companion document can be requested online at, a website that features the complete content of the report.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
ALCPG07 programme and streaming video
ALCPG07 will take place next week, 22-26 October, at Fermilab. Live streaming video will be provided for the opening plenary session on the morning of 22 October. A complete agenda and other workshop information is available online.
Linear Collider Forum of America Meeting
The Linear Collider Forum of America will meet at Fermilab on 22-23 October. An agenda is available online.
ILC NewsLine survey: last chance!
If you subscribe to this newsletter, you should have recently received a survey. We greatly appreciate the time you will take to fill it out. If you didn't receive it or have any questions, please send us an email. The survey closes on Friday, so do not miss this chance of telling us what you think!
arXiv preprints
16 Oct 2007
Higgs-Boson Benchmarks in Agreement with CDM, EWPO and BPO
16 Oct 2007
MSSM precision physics at the Z resonance
16 Oct 2007
Status reports from the GRACE Group
15 Oct 2007
SFitter: Reconstructing the MSSM Lagrangian from LHC data
14 Oct 2007
Effects of polarisation on study of anomalous VVH interactions at a Linear Collider
14 Oct 2007
New physics effect on the top-Yukawa coupling at ILC
12 Oct 2007
Track-Based Particle Flow
12 Oct 2007
Single Production of Doubly Charged Higgsinos at linear e-e- colliders
12 Oct 2007
A Silicon-Tungsten ECal with Integrated Electronics
10 Oct 2007
Impact of slepton generation mixing on the search for sneutrinos - Lepton flavour violation in sneutrino production and decays in the general MSSM
10 Oct 2007
NLO Event Simulation for Chargino Production at the ILC
10 Oct 2007
Hidden Fermion in Stueckelberg Z' Models as Milli-charged Dark Matter