This is the first in a series about the countries of the International Linear Collider. Holland in the ILC

Two Dutch-built detectors measuring cosmic muon tracks in a lab at NIKHEF. |
The Netherlands might not fill a lot of space on a map, but that does not mean that the Dutch aren’t filling crucial positions in many different high-energy physics projects – including the ILC. The proposed particle accelerator falls on a long list of projects in which the Dutch national institute for subatomic physics (NIKHEF) and renowned universities are involved: ATLAS, LHCb and ALICE at the LHC, Antares, a neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea, the Pierre Auger observatory, ZEUS, H1 and HERMES at HERA, D0, Babar, STAR… u vraagt, zij draaien (you name it, they’ve got it).
-- Barbara Warmbein |
One world, one dream

Participants at the CCAST workshop had the opportunity to tour BESIII, the detector of BEPCII at IHEP. |
New expressways and subways are under construction. New hotels and apartment buildings are popping up. This city with a population of over 15 million people, which is already big enough, is getting ready for the coming year of increasing visitors who will attend the Olympic Games. This is Beijing.
-- Rika Takahashi |
Industry assembles Module 8

If you have ever watched an ant trail, you get an idea of what DESY’s Hall 3 looked like last week. Module 8, the last and latest module for the free-electron laser FLASH, was the centre of attention. Engineers and technicians from Germany, France and Italy swarmed around it, pulling cables, tightening nuts and fitting bits of equipment for the cavity string. The assembly forms the second part of an industry study: while companies simply watched the assembly of Module 6, they actually put together Module 8 themselves.
13 November 2007
Belle discovers a new type of Meson
An international team of researchers at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Tsukuba, Japan, the "Belle collaboration," recently announced the discovery of an exotic new sub-atomic particle with non-zero electric charge.
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From SLAC Today
13 November 2007
New instrument to help catch electron clouds
The International Linear Collider (ILC) will probe some of the deepest mysteries of the universe, but before that can happen, SLAC scientists must solve the puzzle of how to make the ILC run best.
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From Fermilab Today
13 November 2007
Pair of Project X workshops address Fermilab's future
Fermilab wants you to help set the future path of high-energy physics. A pair of workshops are giving employees and others the chance to help craft the physics case for the laboratory's next wave of proposed experiments.
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12 November 2007
LHCb installs its precision silicon detector, the VELO
One of the most fragile detectors for the Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment has been successfully installed in its final position.
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Chinese participation in ILC

The symbol of the ILC workshop was the new Beijing National Grand Theatre: a cultural island in the middle of a lake near Tian An Men Square and the Forbidden City (Image courtesy of CCAST). |
Beijing is a place to mark important ILC milestones. In 2004, the International Committee on Future Accelerators (ICFA) announced the decision to base the ILC acceleration technology on superconducting radiofrequency technology. In February 2007, we released the draft Global Design Effort Reference Design Report (RDR) for the ILC. This past week, in what I anticipate will mark an equally important milestone for the ILC, many of us attended the CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop and first Asia ILC R&D Seminar under the JSPS Core-University Program. All three of these events took place in Beijing. This latter workshop featured both important high-level discussions with Chinese government officials as well as working level presentations and discussions about technical areas for Chinese involvement. I believe this combination will mark the beginning of an increasingly important Chinese role in ILC R&D and eventually in the project itself.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
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ILC Notes
ESA Beam Optics Measurements and Tuning During 2007 Beam Tests
arXiv preprints
9 Nov 2007
Complementarity of LHC and ILC
8 Nov 2007
The LHC Inverse Problem, Supersymmetry, and the ILC
8 Nov 2007
Study of Micro Pixel Photon Counters for a high granularity scintillator-based hadron calorimeter