Where are we now ?

Sakue Yamada during the closing plenary at ALCPG. |
It has been several weeks since I last wrote for ILC NewsLine, right after becoming the Research Director. Since then, I had many occasions to talk with more people. Each meeting or telephone conversation was fresh to me. Through these discussions, I realised that some of the given charges are more urgent or fundamental, while the main task does not change.
-- Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report Archive |
More scientists read ILC NewsLine, survey says... ...and they want more physics stories!

What do NewsLine readers think? (Photo DESY) |
Last September, the ILC communicators conducted a survey about your favourite newsletter. Who are its readers? Are they satisfied with the content? Survey answers that you are mostly scientists who would like more stories about physics. Unfortunately, many of you do not know how to get your stories into NewsLine yet.
-- Perrine Royole-Degieux |
French ILC meeting
Despite a national transport strike, many collaborators from the French detector and physics community met this week at Clermont-Ferrand (LPC/IN2P3) for their biannual SOCLE meeting (Seminar Oriented towards a Contribution to an Electron Linear Collider).
From Tribune de Genève
21 November
Hollywood comes to Cern
Director Ron Howard consults with scientists at the particle physics research center for a movie version of Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons.
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From The New York Times
18 November
These Scientific Minds Think (and Drink) Alike
...Science groups for young professionals who don’t wear white coats, like the year-old Secret Science Club at Union Hall, are cropping up in bars and bookstores all over the country, from Massachusetts to Montana.
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From Daily Herald
17 November
Exploring the next, if not final, frontier
Fermilab is already home to the Tevatron, the highest-energy particle accelerator in the world, and it has its sights set on landing the International Linear Collider within the next five to six years.
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From The Guardian
16 November
The God of Small Things
40 years ago, an unknown physicist in Edinburgh, Scotland, came up with a theory of how the universe holds together - sparking a multibillion dollar race to find the key particle. Is the most sought after prize in modern physics about to be won at last?
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The importance of carefully planned infrastructure

The elaborate infrastructure around the ATLAS detector at CERN |
Last week, I gave a colloquium about the ILC at CERN. This is a very interesting time to be at CERN. There is a buzz in the air and an impressive amount of intense activity, as final preparations are underway for the LHC start-up, scheduled for next summer. I had the opportunity to see much of this activity first hand, both for the accelerator and the experiments. Of course there is much for us to learn from the LHC: the scale is comparable to that of the ILC and many of the issues and even some of the technology are similar. As we begin to undertake our own detailed technical design for the ILC, we want to be as realistic as possible. From that standpoint, the single strongest impression I took away from this visit to CERN is the sheer magnitude of the infrastructure required to support these facilities.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Early edition of NewsLine this week
Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in the United States this Thursday, the ILC Communicators are sending you an early edition of ILC NewsLine this week. The publication will return to its normal schedule next week.
arXiv preprints
19 Nov 2007
Electroweak Physics at the ILC
17 Nov 2007
Leading Yukawa corrections to the pole masses of SUSY fermions in the MSSM
14 Nov 2007
RS model with the small curvature and Bhabha scattering at the ILC
13 Nov 2007
CP-violating Loop Effects in the Higgs Sector of the MSSM