Director's Update: STFC Report
 Barry Barish
Earlier this week on 11 December, the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) announced funding cuts in a number of their physics and astronomy programmes. To my disappointment, the International Linear Collider is one of these programmes. The STFC report states: “We will cease investment in the International Linear Collider. We do not see a practicable path towards the realisation of this facility as currently conceived on a reasonable timescale.”
-- Barry Barish |
Value engineering begins

Metal or plastic? Value engineering will help determine what kind of cooling water pipes are best for the ILC. (Photo: Fermilab) |
I have three different routes to choose from when I drive to work in the morning. The first one is the interstate. It’s fast theoretically, but traffic and tolls can turn my 15 minute commute into 45 minutes. Back roads are another option, but the constant stop and go from traffic lights drain my gas tank. The scenic route is my third option and usually the one that I choose. This route goes slightly out of the way, but there is no traffic, tolls or stoplights. So I can drive at a relatively constant fast speed, and the rolling hills and farms along the way are relaxing. Every morning when I get into my car (usually 15 minutes later than I would like), I weigh the pros and cons and select one of these routes. Rick Lambert from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will tell you that this is a form of value engineering, and it is one way that the Global Design Effort will find ways to reduce costs for the proposed International Linear Collider.
-- Elizabeth Clements |
From Guardian Unlimited
12 December 2007
Science council struggles with cuts
The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) has detailed drastic cuts across a range of research programmes in particle physics, astronomy and astrophysics as it struggles to cope with an £80m shortfall in its budget.
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From Science
11 December 2007
Lean Days Ahead for U.K. Physical Science
Particle physicists and astronomers in the United Kingdom learned today that their grants and programs face dramatic cuts due to an £80 million shortfall at their primary funding agency, the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).
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From Nature
11 December 2007
Physics and astronomy research face "catastrophic" cuts
Physicists and astronomers in the United Kingdom are expressing shock at a plan to slash their budgets and end involvement in a number of programmes.
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From Physics World
11 December 2007
UK pulls out of plans for ILC
A funding crisis at one of the UK's leading research councils has forced the country to pull out of plans for the International Linear Collider (ILC).
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11 December 2007
STFC Delivery Plan
The Science and Technology Facilities Council’s Delivery Plan for the period 2008/9 to 2011/12 is now available online.
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From Today at Berkeley Lab
6 December 2007
A New Kind of Particle Detector Using Silicon-on-Insulator Chips
Marco Battaglia of Berkeley Lab's Physics Division and UC Berkeley's Department of Physics heads the Lab's program to develop a vertex detector for the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC), in collaboration with partners at the University of Padua and the University of Turin.
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6 December 2007
Persis S. Drell Named Fourth Director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Persis S. Drell has been named director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), effective immediately, Stanford University President John Hennessy announced Thursday.
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From Illustreret Videnskab
December 2007
Verdens største maskine
Allerede før den kolossale partikelaccelerator LHC ved CERN har leveret de første resultater, står storesøsteren klar i kulissen. International Linear Collider skal smadre elektroner sammen med positroner for at give os ny viden om, hvordan naturen er skruet sammen.
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A more integrated approach toward an energy frontier lepton collider

CLIC Two Beam Linear Accelerator Concept |
All of particle physics is poised for the impending first explorations of the trillion-electronvolt (TeV) energy scale at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. Within the next couple of years, the LHC will lead the way in opening up this new frontier for particle physics. The early results should help us determine what is required of a complementary lepton collider, in order to best address the new physics. The combination of the two explorers, as we have seen in past generations of colliders, will enable us to fully exploit the science of this new energy regime. Based on a great deal of information from both theory and experiment, we have very good reason to expect that a 500 billion-electronvolt (GeV) electron-positron collider, upgradeable to 1 TeV, will be the right match. This has given us strong motivation to develop the design for a collider like the ILC. Nevertheless, we must be prepared for what to do if LHC discoveries point strongly to the need for higher energies, maybe a multi-TeV lepton collider?
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
STF update

Working area for the new superconducting cavity vertical testing facility under preparation in the STF building at KEK. (Photo: Nobu Toge, KEK)
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ILC Notes
Pair Production of Scalar Top Quarks in Polarized Photon-Photon Collisions at ILC
Main Linac RF Power Distribution System Heat Load for the ILC Reference Design
ESA Beam Optics Measurements and Tuning During 2007 Beam Tests
arXiv preprints
Prospects to Measure the Higgs Boson Mass and Cross Section in ee→ZH Using the Recoil Mass Spectrum
Unique Identification of Lee-Wick Gauge Bosons at Linear Colliders
Cavity BPM System Tests for the ILC Spectrometer