New SCRF test facility at Oak Ridge

The SNS’ cryomodule 19 in the test stand just after commissioning and fully qualifying it for the accelerator. |
At first glance a neutron source used for materials research and a planned particle accelerator to answer questions about matter, forces and the origins of the Universe might not seem to have all that much in common. At least not to the non-accelerator experts among us. At second glance, however, similarities and overlaps appear that turn the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US into a small but powerful parallel experience for the ILC.
-- Barbara Warmbein
Attract a younger generation

TPC expert Ron Settles discusses with students. |
From 7 to 11 January, the first school on the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) technology was held at the China Center for Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST) in Beijing. Over 50 students, young scientists and senior researchers from Asia and the rest of the world gathered to learn and discuss about TPC Technology for the International Linear Collider.
-- Rika Takahashi |
From BBC
22 January
UK physics has 'brighter future'
... Another is the R&D work on the International Linear Collider, a giant machine that is intended to take our knowledge of particle physics to a higher level.
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From interactions
22 January
CMS celebrates the lowering of its final detector element
... It marks the culmination of eight years of work in the surface hall, and moves CMS into final commissioning before registering proton-proton collisions at the LHC.
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22 January
Hopes for UK funding-cut reversal dashed
... However, physicists' hopes that the review will lead to the cuts being reversed took a knock yesterday, when Keith Mason, chief executive of the STFC, told the House of Commons Select Committee on Innovation, Universities and Skills that "the review is a valuable exercise but it was never intended to address the current situation."
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From Research Councils UK
21 January
Research Councils UK launches review of physics
Research Councils UK (RCUK) today began a fundamental review of the strength and role of UK physics under the chairmanship of Professor Bill Wakeham, Vice Chancellor of the University of Southampton.
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From Scientific American
February 2008
Special Report: The Future of Physics
They call it the terascale. It is the realm of physics that comes into view when two elementary particles smash together with a combined energy of around a trillion electron volts, or one tera-electron-volt.
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From Scientific American
February 2008
Building the Next Generation Collider
To further investigate the intricacies of high-energy particle physics, researchers must construct a more powerful electron-positron colliderscience cities
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From New Scientist
19 January
Commentary: The end of frontier science?
THE toll of war is beginning to affect progress in science back home. (subscription required)
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From New Scientist
19 January
Physics reels as the financial axe falls
DO OTHER planets like Earth exist? Is there a theory of everything? Could fusion provide cheap and unlimited energy? Physicists think they know how to find the answers to all of these questions. Yet late last month their ability to do so suffered a series of devastating blows. (subscription required)
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From nature
16 January
Government was warned of physics crisis
Documents show threat to research from budget levels was known.
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Common fund

Maxine Hronek, GDE Administrative Assistant and Maura Barone, GDE Web Specialist are both supported through the Global Design Effort common fund. |
Our work for the ILC is made up almost entirely of in-kind R&D efforts, coordinated and prioritised through the Global Design Effort. A small but very important element which enables the GDE to carry out its central function is the GDE common fund. It was created and is monitored by the Funding Agencies for Large Colliders (FALC) and the FALC Resource Group. I am pleased to report today that the GDE common fund for 2008 has been approved at FALC and will be fully funded internationally, including by the U.S. and U.K. and pending working out some details regarding individual contributions. We are very pleased by this positive development. It is an encouragement, especially in light of the funding cuts in the UK and US.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Cryomodule showtime

More than 80 experts on superconducting radiofrequency technology and all things that depend on it met last week at DESY in Hamburg for their regular TESLA Technology Collaboration (TTC) meeting. A tour of the cryomodule test bench, assembly hall and cavity treatment stations at DESY was part of the programme.
Register for TILC08
The registration deadline for the Sendai ILC ACFA/GDE meetings (TILC08) is about two weeks away. The organisers encourage you to register as soon as possible, particularly if you need to obtain a visa to enter Japan. (Registration before the deadline ensures discount for the accommodation.)
arXiv preprints
Heavy Dark Matter Through the Higgs Portal
PHANTOM: a Monte Carlo event generator for six parton final states at high energy colliders
Challenge of polarized beams at future colliders
LHC/ILC Interplay in SUSY Searches
(No) Eternal Inflation and Precision Higgs Physics
EUROTeV Reports
Photon Production at the Interaction Point of the ILC
Electromagnetic Background Tests for the ILC Interaction-Point Feedback System
Power Coupler for the ILC Crab Cavity