New timeline for detector activities

The ILCSC approved the new detector plans during their meeting this week. |
For the newly formed detector Executive Board, the first task in the past month was to work out a new timeline under the present financial difficulties. The plan is to maintain the momentum of the detector community. We need to keep the process which began with the Letter of Intent (LOI) procedure toward the integration of various R&D efforts and ideas into an optimised detector design for the ILC. The financial condition imposes limitations on our speed, but we do not pause. The Global Design Effort also is determined and has worked hard to set up a realistic new plan. A key condition for us is to proceed in synchronisation with this GDE timeline. In particular, in order to communicate efficiently with the accelerator team about machine-detector interface (MDI) matters, a well coordinated pace is required. The new detector plans prepared in consultation with the Organizing Committee of the Worldwide Study of Physics and Detectors for Future Linear e+e- Colliders (WWS-OC) were discussed at the last ILCSC meeting on 11 February at DESY and were approved.
-- Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report Archive |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
TILC08 Joint ACFA Physics and Detector Workshop and (GDE meeting) on International Linear Collider Sendai 3-6 March 2008
Positron Source Meeting DESY Zeuthen, Germany 7-9 April 2008
Energy Polarization Workshop DESY Zeuthen, Germany 9-11 April 2008
SiD Workshop RAL 14-16 April 2008
Workshop on High energy photon collisions at the LHC CERN, Geneva 21-25 April 2008
LoopFest VII Radiative Corrections for the LHC and ILC University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Amherst, New York, USA 14-16 May 2008
ICFA NANOBEAM Workshop (NANOBEAM-08) Announcement Budker INP, Novosibirsk, Russia 25-30 May 2008
= Collaboration-wide Meetings
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
Accelerating past the finishing line

The laser wire team (pictured clockwise from top left: Gary Boorman, Chafik Driouichi, Alessio Bosco and Mike Price) tested their system at DESY's PETRA ring as part of the EUROTeV project. |
It was supposed be the wrap-up meeting of a successful accelerator physics project. However, when the news came that the EU-funded EUROTeV was going to be extended, the meeting in Frascati, Italy, from 23 to 25 January turned into both a summary and a future-planning session. “We've got another year to go and the project is as useful now as it was at the kick-off meeting in 2004,” says scientific coordinator Nick Walker from DESY. The collaboration contributed big chunks of R&D to the Reference Design Report and thinks that most of the work can prove useful for projects beyond the ILC. “With the collected EUROTeV expertise in beam dynamics, optics design, positron source R&D and much more we’re almost regarded as an institution,” adds project coordinator Eckhard Elsen.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
From nature
13 February 2008
Love: You have 4 minutes to choose your perfect mate
NewsLine's contribution to Valentine's Day. Warning: this article is not about particle physics.
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From nature
13 February 2008
From Russia with scintillation
The story of CERN's crucial crystals.
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From wired
13 February 2008
Budget Cuts Undermine U.S. Role in Atom-Smasher Project
... The construction of the so-called International Linear Collider, or ILC, is widely seen in the high-energy physics community as the field's next major step, and an important complement to the powerful laboratory opening at the Switzerland facility of the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, or CERN, later this year.
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From Fermilab Today
12 February 2008
Director's corner: Laying foundations
The President's FY09 budget request contains $35M for the U.S. contribution to ILC R&D, consistent with the Administration's position that the U.S.
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From Liverpool Daily Post
12 February 2008
More jobs ‘to be lost at Daresbury’
...the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), announced 150 job losses last week when the Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS) is decommissioned.
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From Fermilab Today
11 February 2008
Fermilab scientists contribute to 3D chip development
...Fermilab scientists believe that new 3D vertical integrated silicon technology may help to make future particle detectors lighter, more concise and consume less power.
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From Space.com
11 February 2008
New Cosmic Theory Unites Dark Forces
The two biggest mysteries in cosmology may be one.
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From Science News
9 February 2008
Wish List: FY '09 budget proposal ups physical sciences
The 2009 proposal is encouraging for particle physicists. "In my best hopes, that's what I wanted to see," says Pier Oddone.
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From Physics World
7 February 2007
UK confirms withdrawal from ILC
Physicists in the UK have failed to persuade research council bosses to rejoin preparations for the International Linear Collider (ILC).
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From interactions
7 February 2008
STFC Council Meeting
... The Council re-affirmed the decisions already taken with respect to withdrawal from the International Linear Collider [ILC] project and ground-based Solar-Terrestrial Physics [STP] facilities and confirmed its intention to negotiate a reduction in its investment in Gemini.
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From Chicago Tribune
6 February 2008
Fermilab rescue too late
Any further disruptions to science funding creates "a real chance that we'll lose our competitive edge as a country," said Orbach. "This is a critical year."
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From interactions
6 February 2008
IceCube Construction reaches halfway point
The IceCube team exceeded their 2007-2008 seasonal stretch goal of 18 detector strings, four more than the project baseline plan. The 18 down-hole cables mark the halfway point in the construction of the neutrino telescope that will detect neutrinos with energies exceeding TeV.
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P5 – What goes around, comes around

Charles Baltay, new chair of the P5 committee |
In 2001, Jon Bagger and I served as co-chairs of a long-range planning subpanel for HEPAP, the US’ High Energy Physics Advisory Panel, which recommended a 1-TeV scale linear collider as the highest priority long-term goal for US high-energy physics. Another very important recommendation of that same panel report was to form a new panel that we called the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel, or P5. This P5 panel has recently been reconstituted and is undertaking a new long-range study that will probably prove quite important for the future course of the US ILC R&D efforts. The initial P5 meeting took place at the beginning of February at Fermilab, and one session was entirely devoted to efforts globally and in the US towards a linear collider.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
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arXiv preprints
The new charged gauge boson W' and the subprocess eq→νq' at e+e- and ep colliders
Probing triple Higgs couplings of the Two Higgs Doublet Model at Linear Collider
EUROTeV Reports
Electron Cloud Effects and Technological Consequences
Halo Estimates and Simulations for Linear Colliders
Feedback Studies
Bunch Compressor for Beam-Based Alignment
Wakefield Models for Particle Tracking Codes