We call for Expressions of Interest
Resarch Director Sakue Yamada requests Expressions of Interest. |
Several steps have been taken since my last report in February. At the ACFA-GDE joint workshop in Sendai held two weeks ago, I reported on the latest development in some detail and exchanged opinions with participating colleagues.
First good news: the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) membership list is now complete. The group will give advice on the validation process of Letters of Intent and detector R&D. The members include experienced experimentalists, active phenomenology theorists and ILC accelerator experts. They are: Michael Danilov (ITEP), Michel Davier (LAL/Paris-Sud University), Abdelhak Djouadi (Paris-Sud University), Eckhard Elsen (DESY), Paul Grannis (SUNY at Stony Brook), Rohini Godbole (Indian Institute of Science), Dan Green (FNAL), JoAnne Hewett (SLAC), Tom Himel (SLAC), Dean Karlen (Victoria University), Sun-Kee Kim (Seoul National University), Tomio Kobayashi (Tokyo University), Weiguo Li (IHEP), Richard Nickerson (Oxford University) and Nobukazu Toge (KEK). The group is chaired by Michel Davier.
-- Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report Archive |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
Positron Source Meeting DESY Zeuthen, Germany 7-9 April 2008
Energy Polarization Workshop DESY Zeuthen, Germany 9-11 April 2008
SiD Workshop Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Abingdon, United Kingdom 14-16 April 2008
Workshop on High energy photon collisions at the LHC CERN, Geneva 21-25 April 2008
LoopFest VII Radiative Corrections for the LHC and ILC University at Buffalo, Amherst, New York, USA 14-16 May 2008
ICFA NANOBEAM Workshop Budker INP, Novosibirsk, Russia 25-30 May 2008
XXII Symposium on Photonics and Electronics for Accelerators and High Energy Physics Experiments Warsaw University of Technology Resort, WILGA 26 May - 1 June 2008
GDE Meeting - ILC Conventional Facilities and Siting Workshop JINR, Dubna, Russia 3-7 June 2008
ECFA 2008 Warsaw, Poland 9-12 June 2008
Upcoming schools
Terascale Monte Carlo School DESY, Hamburg, Germany 21-24 April 2008
= Collaboration-wide Meetings
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
A different kind of Terascale
Some members of the UK team (Jamie Ballin, Matt Noy, Anne-Marie Magnan, Yoshinari Mikami and Marcel Stanitzki) presenting their data acquisition board with sensor after a successful run in the test beam at DESY. |
Have you ever used a map to find an electron? Not possible, you say? Think again. Spell it slightly differently – MAPS – put it into an electromagnetic calorimeter, and you may well be able to track an electron in a calorimeter and see the single electrons in a particle shower. With a spatial granularity of 50 microns square– that’s 50 thousandths of a millimetre – a potential sensor, called MAPS or monolithic active pixel sensor, for an ILC detector’s digital electromagnetic calorimeter could be an efficient alternative to existing silicon technology. A UK-based group is currently evaluating how suitable this technology is for a calorimeter optimised for particle flow, with a view to seeing how efficient, reliable and cost-effective it is.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
From nature
19 March 2008
Letter: Difference in direct charge-parity violation between charged and neutral B meson decays
... Although it is susceptible to strong interaction effects that need further clarification, this large deviation in direct CP violation between charged and neutral B meson decays could be an indication of new sources of CP violation—which would help to explain the dominance of matter in the Universe.
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From nature
19 March 2008
Particle physics: Song of the electroweak penguin
An unexpected imbalance in how particles containing the heaviest quarks decay might reveal exotic influences — and perhaps help to explain why matter, rather than antimatter, dominates the Universe.
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From New Scientist
19 March 2008
Japanese particle accelerator hints at 'new physics'
... Now an international collaboration working at the KEK accelerator in Tsukuba, Japan, may have seen a sign of it.
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From New Scientist
18 March 2008
Flipping particle could explain missing antimatter
It is one the biggest mysteries in physics - where did all the antimatter go? Now a team of physicists claims to have found the first ever hint of an answer in experimental data.
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From interactions
18 March 2008
CERN opens its doors to the world
On 6 April 2008, CERN will open its doors to the public, offering a unique chance to visit its newest and largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), before it goes into operation later this year.
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From New Scientist
13 March 2008
Q&A: Boosting UK science
John Denham, the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills, is a rare creature in the British government, a cabinet minister with a science degree.
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From Medill Reports
12 March 2008
Is the future of American science at risk?
... Fermilab expected funding for the proposed International Linear Collider to keep it on the cutting edge after the Tevatron closes, Oddone said.
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From Daily Yomiuri Online
13 March 2008
Kibo typifies perils of international projects
... Japan, the United States and European countries are currently promoting the International Linear Collider (ILC) project, which will study superconductivity for future particle accelerators.
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From Physics World
29 February 2008
Full steam ahead
... He also thinks CERN should become more involved in the International Linear Collider (ILC), which would use existing technology to achieve the same goal but would be more limited in energy.
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Congratulations, it's a PAC - scientific oversight for the GDE
Group photo of the ILCSC taken at their last meeting at DESY |
The International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) of ICFA met at DESY in Hamburg on 11 February – their first meeting since October last year. The ILCSC is responsible for creating the Global Design Effort and for appointing me as GDE director, and it provides the continued scientific oversight for our efforts. The ILCSC Memorandum of Understanding is the official collaborative agreement for the countries and laboratories involved in R&D and design towards the ILC. At their most recent meeting at DESY, the ILCSC reviewed our revised plans for the Technical Design Phase, taking into account the funding reductions from the UK and US. This important meeting established the foundation for our future work in the GDE and for the experimental community as they also enter into a new phase of their activities, calling for Expressions of Interest and Letters of Intent.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Japanese writing session at IWAA
Alignment study is the crucial part for the accelerator design. At the 10th International Workshop for accelerator Alignment (IWAA) held at KEK in February, scientists also learned Japanese style of alignment of words: Shuji, Japanese calligraphy. This calligraphy, done by a European scientists, says 'Onko-Chishin', which means 'Find new wisdom through old things'.
arXiv preprints
Neutralino relic density from ILC measurements in the CPV MSSM
Searching for doubly charged Higgs bosons in Möller scattering by resonance effects at linear e-e- collider