From Fermilab Today: Students report on the importance, design of proposed linear collider

Peter Garbincius speaks to Rotolo Middle School students in Batavia about the physics, design and goals of current and future accelerators. |
Members of the latest group exploring the proposed International Linear Collider lack physics degrees. In fact, they don’t yet have high school diplomas.
To teach 35 eighth-graders about particle physics, Batavia Rotolo Middle School teachers Macy Felter and Elizabeth Selander had them study the ILC, the proposed next-generation particle accelerator.
-- Rhianna Wisniewski |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
ICFA NANOBEAM Workshop Budker INP, Novosibirsk, Russia 25-30 May 2008
XXII Symposium on Photonics and Electronics for Accelerators and High Energy Physics Experiments Warsaw University of Technology Resort, WILGA 26 May - 1 June 2008
GDE Meeting - ILC Conventional Facilities and Siting Workshop JINR, Dubna, Russia 3-7 June 2008
International Linear Collider ECFA Workshop (ECFA 2008) Warsaw, Poland 9-12 June 2008
Polarized Positron for Linear Colliders Workshop (Posipol 2008) Hiroshima University, Japan 16-18 June 2008
European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC'08) Genoa, Italy 23-27 June 2008
Upcoming schools
The second Trans-European School for High Energy Physics (TES-HEP) Buymerhovka, Sumy region, Ukraine 3-9 July 2008
Third International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders (2008 LC School) Oak Brook, Illinois, USA 19-29 October 2008
= Collaboration-wide Meetings
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
On the costing trail Project Management office plans the future of the cost estimate
Common fund approved by FALC Resource Group

Richard Wade, Chair of the FALC Resource Group. |
The ILC Global Design Effort (GDE) is made up primarily of in-kind R&D contributions done in the partner countries, mostly at the large laboratories that are developing the technologies and design towards a real ILC machine. Our primary mission in the GDE is to coordinate and guide this programme. This requires financial contributions by the countries who are involved in the project to support a central infrastructure, called the common fund. It was created by the Funding Agencies for Large Colliders (FALC) a couple of years ago, and is monitored and approved by their subcommittee, the FALC Resource Group, chaired by Richard Wade of STFC in the UK.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
The world under control

A new remote control room opened its sliding doors this week at DESY. Initiated by the CALICE collaboration and built for generic ILC detector R&D, it lets detector experts run shifts and monitor the data taking even when their detector prototype sits in a test beam half a world away. This is the case right now: calorimeters sit in Fermilab's Meson Test Beam Facility. The new remote control room has a web-based secure global desktop, a conference system with a permanent video link between remote and on-site shifts, and many more features that the first remote 'shifters' have already started to use.
(Photos: Alexander Kaukher)
Brian Foster elected Fellow of the Royal Society
Congratulations to European Regional Director Brian Foster: He was made Fellow of the UK's renowned Royal Society last Friday. Read the press release.
Dubna travel arrangements
The organising committee of the GDE meeting in Dubna has made the agenda available on the meeting website. In order to be able to organise transport from and to the airport they ask all participants to submit their flight times and numbers. More info from the second news bulletin.
ILC Note
Photon Collider Technology Readiness and Near Term Plans
arXiv preprints
Two-particle kinematic distributions from new physics at an electron-positron collider with polarized beams