From Particle physics receives boost from $5 million gift to University of Chicago

Because of a generous donation furloughs can stop at Fermilab. |
The University of Chicago announced today that it has received a $5 million gift to be directed toward the development of future programs in particle physics.
“This is a marvelous gift,” said Robert Zimmer, President of the University. “A generous family has stepped forward and is making an investment in high-energy physics, to the direct benefit of our ambitious scientific goals. It is a powerful recognition of the importance of basic research.”
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
ICFA NANOBEAM Workshop Budker INP, Novosibirsk, Russia 25-30 May 2008
XXII Symposium on Photonics and Electronics for Accelerators and High Energy Physics Experiments Warsaw University of Technology Resort, WILGA 26 May - 1 June 2008
GDE Meeting - ILC Conventional Facilities and Siting Workshop JINR, Dubna, Russia 3-7 June 2008
International Linear Collider ECFA Workshop (ECFA 2008) Warsaw, Poland 9-12 June 2008
Polarized Positron for Linear Colliders Workshop (Posipol 2008) Hiroshima University, Japan 16-18 June 2008
European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC'08) Genoa, Italy 23-27 June 2008
Upcoming schools
The second Trans-European School for High Energy Physics (TES-HEP) Buymerhovka, Sumy region, Ukraine 3-9 July 2008
Third International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders (2008 LC School) Oak Brook, Illinois, USA 19-29 October 2008
= Collaboration-wide Meetings
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
Hail Cesr Part one of a series on how a storage ring at Cornell University morphs into a damping ring test accelerator

Cornell's CESR accelerator is becoming a test facility for ILC damping ring studies. |
Sometimes even pretty straightforward and remarkably logical ideas take several moves before they become a reality. Take the planned damping rings for the ILC, for example. In the ILC, compact bunches of electrons and positrons are made to collide at very high energy. In order to ensure a high rate of particle collisions, the bunches are cooled in damping rings prior to acceleration. In a cold bunch, the particles are all very close together and travelling in very nearly the same direction with very nearly the same velocity. (In a hot bunch, as in a hot pot of water, the particles are more dispersed and are all moving in different directions.)
-- Barbara Warmbein |
From symmetry breaking
28 May 2008
A new Hawking paper
... His new paper, with other physics heavyweights Jim Hartle and Thomas Hertog, was published the other day in Physical Review Letters. In it, he continues a research direction he started with Hartle back in 1983 in a paper provocatively (for physicists) titled “Wave function of the Universe“. In that paper, H&H suggested that the universe might be finite but have no boundary–the no-boundary proposal.
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From Fermilab Today
27 May 2008
My hat's off to you
... Our competence and spirit generate trust in our laboratory.
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From Science Daily
26 May 2008
Tapping The Early Universe For Secrets Of Fundamental Physics
... But this requires much more interaction between astronomical theory and observation, and in particular the development of a new breed of astronomer who understands both.
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Establishing an Asian science communication network

New office preparing for the Asian communication network.
from left: Heasook Han, Nobuko Kobayashi, and Emiko Yanagisawa. |
If you were a university professor and wanted good graduate students in your research group, what would you do? You’d surely advertise high-energy physics in your class or conduct a campaign in the physics department. However, what if good students have already escaped to the other departments, for example bio-science? What if good students have gone to other universities? You need to advertise physics first, or your university first.
-- Mitsuaki Nozaki
Director's Corner Archive |
Rotolo Middle School students give collider reports

On Friday, May 23, eighth-grade students from Rotolo Middle School presented reports on the ILC to Fermilab scientists. The reports, which were assigned as part of the students' science curriculum, explored the science, structure and collaborative nature of the proposed linear collider experiment.
arXiv preprints
Universal Extra Dimensions, Radiative Returns and the Inverse Problem at a Linear e+e- Collider
Consequences of Pati-Salam unification of electroweak-scale active νR model: keV sterile neutrinos; four families
Collimator R&D
B-Physics Observables and Electroweak Precision Data in the CMSSM, mGMSB and mAMSB
The Hierarchy Problem and the Safety in Colliders Physics