ILC NewsLine
Around the World
CALICE collaboration is connected
Controlling beam tests all over the world

The impressive zoom of the webcam allows remote operators to check individual controls on the detectors.
Even if you don't want to step through new control room's swish sliding doors, you can have a look inside DESY's new feature because of its doors made of glass: it is a medium-sized room with some technical interior and an ILC colour scheme. There are two computer working stations, each with four monitors and a small conference table; on a big screen you see the pictures from three webcams; and three clocks hang on the wall, showing the local times of DESY/CERN in Hamburg/Geneva, Fermilab near Chicago and KEK near Tokyo.

-- Jan Dreyling-Eschweiler (DESY)


Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops

GDE Meeting - ILC Conventional Facilities and Siting Workshop
JINR, Dubna, Russia
3-7 June 2008

International Linear Collider ECFA Workshop (ECFA 2008)
Warsaw, Poland
9-12 June 2008

Polarized Positron for Linear Colliders Workshop (Posipol 2008)
Hiroshima University, Japan
16-18 June 2008

European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC'08)
Genoa, Italy
23-27 June 2008

Joint CesrTA Kickoff Meeting and ILC Damping Rings R&D Workshop (ILCDR08)
Cornell University, USA
8-11 July 2008

34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP'08)
Philadelphia, USA
29 July - 5 August 2008

Upcoming schools

The second Trans-European School for High Energy Physics (TES-HEP)
Buymerhovka, Sumy region, Ukraine
3-9 July 2008

Third International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders (2008 LC School)
Oak Brook, Illinois, USA
19-29 October 2008

= Collaboration-wide Meetings

GDE Meetings calendar

View complete ILC calendar

Feature Story
ATF shuts down for summer

The ATF collaboration celebrates the end of run. (Photo: Nobuko Kobayashi)
On the last day of May, ILC scientists and engineers enjoyed a barbecue, sushi and Ton-jiru miso soup with pork and vegetables in front of the ATF (Accelerator Test Facility at KEK) container. This gathering, called the ATF end-of-run party, has been a routine event for over ten years. “We have this kind of party twice a year, one in April, for welcoming newcomers to the ATF project, and the other in June when we shut down ATF for the summer season,” said Nobuhiro Terunuma, accelerator scientist at KEK. During the summer season, KEK shuts down ATF operation for about four months for machine maintenance and saving power consumption during the high season.

-- Nobuko Kobayashi / Rika Takahashi

In the News
From nature
4 June 2008
Physicists to target neutrinos: US switches focus from colliders ...The recommendations to continue ILC research and development are "okay", says Barry Barish, a high-energy physicist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, who heads the ILC design effort. "But it isn't an aggressive programme to bring the ILC to the United States."

From New Scientist
4 June 2008
Reasons for optimism over US particle physics
(subscription required)
... Among the big losers in the cuts were those involved in the International Linear Collider, which was suspended in December. The panel added that the need for the ILC is not yet proven and so construction should not be guaranteed.

From Physics World
June 2008
ILC is best bar none
(subscription required)
Fan clubs are commonplace for pop groups, sports teams and film stars, but probably not the norm for physics experiments, especially when the experiment in question has not even been built yet.

From The Age
2 June 2008
The hunt for 'God's Particle'
...Peter Higgs, emeritus professor of physics at the University of Edinburgh, says he is 90% confident that an atom-smashing machine nearing completion in Switzerland will prove that the particle exists.

1 June 2008
CERN: l'experience du siecle
...Cent mètres sous terre, dans la campagne franco-genevoise, la plus grosse expérience de physique de tous les temps est sur le point de démarrer au Cern.

From Science
30 May 2008
PARTICLE PHYSICS: Does Fermilab Have a Future?
...Some physicists say it's unfair to blame the ILC for the demise of smaller experiments. In tight budgets, those projects simply weren't worth the costs, they say.

From Science
30 May 2008
PARTICLE PHYSICS: Whither the International Linear Collider?
(subscription required)
...A panel of senior physicists reporting to the Department of Energy (DoE), the main US funder for accelerator laboratories, said that it should be possible for the US to commit to several cutting-edge projects including a new US-based linear collider, which had been threatened by budget cuts.

From New Scientist
30 May 2008
US particle physics spared the axe
...A panel of senior physicists reporting to the Department of Energy (DoE), the main US funder for accelerator laboratories, said that it should be possible for the US to commit to several cutting-edge projects including a new US-based linear collider, which had been threatened by budget cuts..
Director's Corner
Critical electron cloud studies at Cornell

Artist's impression of Cornell's Wilson lab and the CESR storage ring.
Last week we reported on the beginning of our important experimental programme on electron cloud effects, using the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) accelerator at Cornell University. This is one of our highest-priority R&D goals during the ILC Technical Design Phase 1 (TDP-1) and is aimed at understanding the magnitude of the problem for the ILC positron damping rings and the effectiveness of our proposed mitigation techniques. Last year, the Global Design Effort R&D Board, chaired by Bill Willis, investigated various options worldwide for us to undertake these crucial tests. They endorsed the Cesr-TA (Test Accelerator) proposal which promised the timeliest results. It was subsequently approved and funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The conversion of CESR to undertake these tests is now underway and actual testing will begin shortly.

-- Barry Barish

Director's Corner Archive

Image of the Week
Sighting a site

Marc Ross, Brian Foster, Barry Barish and Akira Yamamoto arrived in Dubna, Russia, a couple of days before the other participants of the ILC Conventional Facilities and Siting Workshop that is taking place this week. They met with Russian ILC scientists and civil engineers and pored over maps of the area, learning about the geology of the stretch of land that the Russian institute JINR thinks could one day host the ILC. (Photo: Yury Tumanov, JINR)


arXiv preprints
Design and Electronics Commissioning of the Physics Prototype of a Si-W Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the International Linear Collider

Nuclear diffractive structure functions at high energies