New US Strategic plan for particle physics recommends restored participation in ILC R&D
This month's Research Director's Report was written by Jim Brau, co-chair of the Worldwide Study, regional detector contact for the Americas and member of the P5 panel

Cover image of John Jaros' talk on "ILC Physics and Detectors" presented at one of the P5 meetings at Fermilab, last February. (Image : Norman Graf)
This past year, our global collaboration was derailed by funding cuts for the ILC in the UK and in the US. Anyone who has seen through a large project knows there are ups and downs, obstacles and difficulties to overcome, and only through continued dedication and perseverance will the final goals be achieved. Our dedication and perseverance have been challenged, but the science has not changed: particle physics will need a high-energy linear collider. In the US, a new strategic plan for the funding agencies restates the importance of a lepton collider to advances in particle physics.
-- Jim Brau
Research Director's Report Archive |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
Polarized Positron for Linear Colliders Workshop (Posipol 2008) Hiroshima University, Japan 16-18 June 2008
European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC'08) Genoa, Italy 23-27 June 2008
Joint CesrTA Kickoff Meeting and ILC Damping Rings R&D Workshop (ILCDR08) Cornell University, USA 8-11 July 2008
34th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP'08) Philadelphia, USA 29 July - 5 August 2008
Upcoming schools
The second Trans-European School for High Energy Physics (TES-HEP) Buymerhovka, Sumy region, Ukraine 3-9 July 2008
Third International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders (2008 LC School) Oak Brook, Illinois, USA 19-29 October 2008
= Collaboration-wide Meetings
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
Cryo crash test

A module-shaped crash test dummy in the test bench. |
Particle physicists have the reputation that they need to smash things up in order to find out what they are about. Sometimes accelerator physicists get to smash stuff up, too: a group of engineers and technicians recently crash-tested a full cryomodule. They wanted to find out what the 12-metre piece of kit would look like if somebody happened to use the beam pipe as a stepladder, drive a tunnel vehicle into a flange or decide to rip out a vacuum pump.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
From Russia and Poland with ... photos

The ILC community broke with its unwritten rule of having both the 'machine side' and the 'detector side' together in one place for their big meetings. The machinists went to Dubna in Russia last week while the detectorists are gathering in Warsaw in Poland this week. Here are some impressions of both. Read more in future issues of NewsLine. The next big meeting will take place in Chicago in November and bring the communities together again. Click here to see the photo album. (Photos: Nobu Toge, Perrine Royole-Degieux, Barbara Warmbein)
From Time
8 June 2008
The Large Hadron Particle Collider Photo Essay
This summer, after 25 years of preparation, scientists at CERN, the world's largest particle physics laboratory, will try to re-create the conditions produced by the Big Bang.
Read more... |
The P5 Report and its implications for the ILC

The three frontiers of particle physics as portrayed in the P5 report. |
On Thursday, 29 May, the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP) held its spring meeting in Washington, DC. The entire meeting was devoted to the presentation and discussion of the anxiously awaited report, "US Particle Physics: Scientific Opportunities: A Strategic Plan for the Next Ten Years," by the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel, or P5. The charge to this panel was to develop a ten-year plan for US particle physics for the DOE and NSF under four different funding scenarios. Jim Brau, who served on the panel, discusses the main conclusions of the report in this issue's Research Director's Report, while I reflect here specifically on what I believe will be the impacts on the US efforts towards the ILC.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Registration to LCWS08 and ILC08 now open
The 2008 Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS) and the International Linear Collider (ILC) will be held on the UIC campus in Chicago, Illinois on 16-20 November 2008. Organisers encourage you to register and make your travel plans early. Registration is open here.
ILC Notes
Characterization measurements of Ti-SS Bimetallic transition joint samples
Machine-Detector Interface Issues for the ILC Polarimeters
arXiv preprints
High-energy photon collisions at the LHC - dream or reality?
Simulation study of fast ion instability in the ILC damping ring and PETRA III