Damping starts this week CesrTA kick-off meeting marks the beginning of the damping ring test programme

Meeting participants tour the transforming CESR ring. |
There may not have been a ribbon-cutting ceremony or speeches by heads of state. But the official kick-off of Cornell University's CESR storage ring as ILC damping ring test facility pleased the nearly 40 participants at this week's "Joint CesrTA Kickoff Meeting and ILC Damping Rings R&D Workshop (ILCDR08)" enormously. “CesrTA will give us a detailed picture of the how electron cloud builds up under a range of conditions, of how an ultra-low emittance positron beam interacts with the electron cloud, and of how beam instabilities driven by the electron cloud develop,” says Andy Wolski, damping ring group leader based at the Cockcroft Institute in the UK. “In this respect CesrTA plays a critical role in validating the decision to reduce costs by eliminating the second positron damping ring.”
-- Barbara Warmbein |
Rolf Heuer's vision of particle physics in Europe

Rolf Heuer giving a personal view of the future at last ILC-ECFA Workshop in Warsaw. Photo: Nobu Toge. |
The future Director-General of CERN Rolf Heuer, currently Research Director at DESY, presented his personal vision of the future of particle physics in Europe at the ILC-ECFA meeting in Warsaw, Poland. Heuer emphasised the exciting times the community is now entering with the LHC start-up. The exploration of our mysterious "Dark Universe" is the main motivation for present and future astronomy and particle physics projects, and with the LHC and its highest collision energy ever, we are on the verge to explore it. After reviewing many possible scenarios and options for the after-LHC phase, Heuer said he hoped that particle physics research will continue with the same momentum for future projects, in particular for a future e+-e- collider. He hopes that the community will make use of these exciting times to establish a sustainable and global partnership between the labs, "of which CERN could be the catalyst."
Read the full interview with Rolf Heuer...
-- Perrine Royole-Degieux
link to ECFA 2008 talk
From Nature
8 July 2008
Spending plan appeases UK physicists
...The council will still forgo participation in the International Linear Collider, for example, but will set aside £1 million pounds for research and development into something similar, and £10 million a year for advanced accelerators.
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From The Herald News
6 July 2008
Fermilab celebrates its good fortune
If the sign declaring "Fermilab is back!" didn't get the message across, the auditorium packed with lab employees sure did.
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From Le Monde
4 July 2008
Deux collisionneurs sont déjà à l'étude pour succéder au LHC vers 2025
...Ils savent en effet que le LHC ne suffira pas à percer tous les secrets de la matière. Si, par chance, le mystérieux boson de Higgs, dont la théorie prédit qu'il donne leur masse aux choses, y est découvert, un instrument plus performant sera nécessaire pour connaître ses propriétés. Deux projets concurrents sont à l'étude : le Collisionneur linéaire international (ILC) et le Collisionneur linéaire compact (CLIC).
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From Pour la science
July 2008
L'ILC, collisionneur de prochaine génération
Après le grand accélérateur circulaire du LHC au CERN, sur le point de fonctionner, les physiciens des particules ont prévu de construire une machine plus puissante encore. Elle sera linéaire.
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From Physics World
3 July 2008
UK physics funding plans are approved
...This includes UK involvement with the International Linear Collider (ILC) — the next big particle-physics facility after CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.
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The proposed Russian ILC site

Profile of the shallow site near Dubna, Russia. |
One of the most difficult and tricky issues for the Global Design Effort in carrying out our design work is how to approach the siting issue for the ILC before proposals are actually solicited for hosting the machine. Conventional facilities are a major part of the project, accounting for almost one third of the total costs. Therefore, in order to bring as much reality to our reference design as possible, we asked for and studied three "sample sites," one from each region. In carrying out the reference design, regional subgroups that worked in parallel and were coordinated by our Conversional Facilities and Siting (CFS) group studied these sites. Since all three of our sample sites were deep sites about 100 metres underground, one of the questions that we postponed but flagged as important to study in the next phase were the comparative advantages and disadvantages of shallow sites. One specific example of a shallow site has been suggested to us by our Russian collaborators. We got a first look at this interesting site near Dubna, Russia, during our GDE meeting last month.
-- Barry Barish
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