Enjoying cool science

Panel discussion at the KEK symposium. from left: Nakajima, Kimoto, Murayama, Miyama and Suzuki |
On the first day of a three-day weekend with a Japanese national holiday, Day of the Sea, about 300 people changed their destination from seaside to science. They enjoyed talks on cool science on a hot Saturday afternoon in Tokyo at a symposium called “Denshi-koraidah ga toku ucyu sousei no puzzle (Solving the puzzle of the universe with electron-positron colliders),” organised by KEK. The symposium introduced the science to be delivered by future electron-positron colliders to a non-scientific audience. The symposium was a two-part event. The first part consisted of talks by three top-notch scientists – Hitoshi Murayama, Director General of Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU), Shoken Miyama, Director General of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and Atsuto Suzuki, Director General of KEK. The second part was a panel discussion with those three scientists and Shinji Kimoto, a science-fiction novelist who wrote the award-winning novel 'Kamisama no Puzzle', and was moderated by Shigehiko Nakajima, Editor-in-Chief of Nikkei Science Magazine, the Japanese edition of Scientific American.
-- Rika Takahashi |
From CERN bulletin: Start-up fever
The world of particle physics (and beyond) is buzzing with excitement as the start-up of our next big adventure, the Large Hadron Collider, is drawing near. NewsLine cannot escape the buzz, so we will report on LHC progress from time to time. If you are involved in both ILC and LHC: send us your thoughts and experiences!

LHC Cooldown Status |
Unusually for the holiday season, the car parks are full, finding a table at lunch is a formidable challenge, and people can (more than ever) be found in their offices late into the night. All the evidence points to one thing… the most ambitious particle collider in world is just a few weeks away from its first proton beam!
From Nature
22 July 2008
Physicists brace themselves for LHC 'data avalanche'
As physicists prepare to inject the first stream of particles into the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in August, they are are bracing themselves for a 'data avalanche' from the multi-billion-dollar particle accelerator.
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From Hamburger Abendblatt
21 July 2008
Neuer Desy-Chef? Er verhandelt noch
Hamburgs größte Forschungseinrichtung, das Deutsche Elektronensynchrotron in Bahrenfeld - kurz Desy - bekommt einen neuen Chef.
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From BBC
18 July 2008
Cern lab goes 'colder than space'
A vast physics experiment built in a tunnel below the French-Swiss border is fast becoming one of the coolest places in the Universe.
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From Nature
17 July 2008
Editorial: An uneasy peace
Britain's 'big science' funding agency is now in a position to regain much-needed credibility.
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ILCSC approves new MOU at the Dubna meeting

Enzo Iarocci, ILCSC chair, and myself in animated conversation in Dubna. |
The International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC) met on 4 June 2008 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia, in parallel with the first day of our Global Design Effort meeting. We began the day with a joint plenary session that featured talks by Sakue Yamada and myself, respectively describing the status and plans for the detectors and accelerator. An important outcome of the ILCSC meeting was the approval of a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the ILCSC that gives the mandate for the GDE Technical Design Phase for accelerator R&D and the Letter-of-Intent (LOI) phase for the detectors. In addition, several ILCSC members stayed in Dubna for the next morning to participate in a very lively special session of our GDE meeting on siting strategies.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Spot the dots

As the calorimeter prototypes go into their second round in the Fermilab testbeam DESY's remote control room is not only fully operational but also a walk-in model of the ILC logo, with the logo's characteristic dots running the lengths of the walls and windows. Shifts started last week, with four collaborators working on site at Fermilab and two in the remote control room every day. For safety and temperature reasons, data taking starts at 8 p.m. Chicago time and ends at 10 a.m., with a shift change at 3 a.m. At DESY, the shift starts at the much more civilised time of 10 a.m.
ILD meeting in Cambridge, UK
The organisers of the ILC meeting in Cambridge would like to encourage anybody who has not registered yet to do so quickly. By the end of this week they can no longer guarantee availability of accommodation in Downing College. More info
EUROTeV Reports
A Prototype Target Wheel for the ILC Positron Source
Studies on the Role of a Photon Collimator for the ILC Positron Source