ILC NewsLine
Around the World
First cryomodule moves into NML
Progress at Fermilab's ILCTA

The first cryomodule on its way into the NML hall at Fermilab...
(Photo: Fermilab)
Good news from an experimental hall at the edge of the prairie: Fermilab's ILC test area in the 'New Muon Lab' (NML) has just taken a major step towards completion with the installation of the first cryomodule on 6 August.

The test area, once complete, will represent one full RF unit of the ILC. This means there will be three full cryomodules powered by a 10-MW RF system, a cryogenic system capable of achieving temperatures of 2K and an injector beam line consisting of an electron gun and an accelerating capture cavity. The installation of the first phase of the project includes the first cryomodule, capture cavity, their respective RF power sources and the cryogenic system.

-- Barbara Warmbein


Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops

EUROTeV Scientific Workshop
Uppsala University, Sweden
26-28 August 2008

CALICE Collaboration Meeting
Manchester, UK
8-10 September 2008

ILD meeting
Cambridge, UK
11-13 September 2008

Conference on the Design/ Optimization of the Silicon Detector at the International Linear Collider
University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA
17-19 September 2008

Workshop of the Collaboration on Forward Calorimetry at ILC
Belgrade, Serbia
22-24 September 2008

Upcoming school

Third International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders (2008 LC School)
Oak Brook, Illinois, USA
19-29 October 2008

= Collaboration-wide Meetings

GDE Meetings calendar

View complete ILC calendar

Feature Story
LHC and ILC communications

In April 2008, 76 000 visitors came to see CERN and the LHC underground installations during the CERN Open Day. Photo: CERN.
There it is: the LHC will start up in four weeks! We know the date of this special day when the protons will be injected into the tunnel: 10 September 2008. All eyes are on the LHC… but not exclusively. The start-up event as well as many other events which will follow are unique opportunities to promote our field, particle physics and science in general.

-- Perrine Royole-Degieux, ILC and LHC communicator

In the News
From Beacon News
12 August 2008
Fermilab applauds input from neighbors
Over a year and a half, a group of 27 people from 13 Fox Valley communities have been learning all they can about Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and the International Linear Collider.

From interactions
11 August 2008
LHC synchronization test successful
The synchronization of the LHC's clockwise beam transfer system and the rest of CERN's accelerator chain was successfully achieved last weekend.

From The Beacon News
9 August 2008
Our work, in the name of science
... When I first joined the task force, my focus was on local issues. Gradually, I came to appreciate the ILC as being one piece of a much bigger puzzle.

From Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin
8 August 2008
Raum der Erkenntnis
»Dunkle Materie«, »Dunkle Energie«: Bisher waren uns 95 Prozent des Weltalls ein völliges Rätsel. Aber jetzt beginnt die Wissenschaft zu verstehen, was da draußen wirklich los ist.

From BBC
8 August 2008
Torchwood set for 'Big Bang' day
A special radio episode of sci-fi drama Torchwood is to be broadcast as part of BBC Radio 4's Big Bang day.

From Christian Science Monitor
7 August 2008
Europe’s Large Hadron Collider tests the bounds of physics – and budgets
...The proposed International Linear Collider (ILC), for instance, would smack electrons into an onrushing beam of positrons to create copious numbers of particles called the Higgs boson.
Director's Corner
Spain's increasing involvement in large international science

Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma at sunset
Did you know that Spain joined CERN as a Member State in 1961, but left seven years later? The modern era in Spanish particle physics was marked by Spain rejoining CERN in 1983, and the country’s investments and programme in particle physics have continued to grow and thrive ever since. This is not the only large investment in Spanish science: I recently had the opportunity to visit the astronomical facilities at 2200 metres altitude on the Spanish island of La Palma, one of the Canary Islands. The La Palma Observatory is interesting to us in the ILC as we study examples of how international collaborations work for large science projects in preparation for developing our own models of international collaboration for the ILC.

-- Barry Barish

Director's Corner Archive

Image of the Week
Getting a taste of the ILC

DESY's cavity preparation area had two important visitors last Friday: Masamitsu Naito of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and Tatsuhiko Kamada from Japanese Consulate in Hamburg toured the lab to get an impression of the technical and political status of the ILC. Naito is a member of the Japanese "Federation of Diet members to promote the realisation of ILC" and a former student of high-energy physics and went on to visit CERN at the beginning of this week. Photo: DESY


arXiv preprints
Probing the ZZgamma and Zgammagamma Couplings Through the Process e+e- → ν anti-ν γ

Measuring the Higgs-Vector boson Couplings at Linear e+e- Collider

Flavorful Z' signatures at LHC and ILC

MSSM Higgs Couplings to Bottom Quarks: Two-Loop Corrections