ILC community meets at LCWS and ILC08

A preliminary agenda for LCWS is online. |
Which is the right word to complete this series: KEK, Snowmass, Hamburg, … ? Chicago of course! After the first three venues, the fourth General ILC Workshop (ILC08) will take place in Chicago this year, organised in conjunction with the 2008 Linear Collider Workshop LCWS. As in the past, the workshop is supposed to bring detector and accelerator communities together. Results and plans from both worlds will be discussed in several joint plenary sessions.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
EUROTeV Scientific Workshop Uppsala University, Sweden 26-28 August 2008
CALICE Collaboration Meeting Manchester, UK 8-10 September 2008
ILD meeting Cambridge, UK 11-13 September 2008
Conference on the Design/ Optimization of the Silicon Detector at the International Linear Collider University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA 17-19 September 2008
Workshop of the Collaboration on Forward Calorimetry at ILC Belgrade, Serbia 22-24 September 2008
Workshop on Sources of Polarized Electrons and High Brightness Electron Beams (PESP 2008) JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA 1-4 October 2008
Upcoming school
Third International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders (2008 LC School) Oak Brook, Illinois, USA 19-29 October 2008
= Collaboration-wide Meetings
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
ILC goes Comiket

A page from "Kasokuki de Go!" |
This summer the International Linear Collider made a debut in world famous "Comiket" Comic Market, held in Tokyo. Comike is the world's largest comic convention with a history of over a quarter of a century, and is the hall of fame of the "Otaku" culture. More than half a million attendees came from all over the world for this three-day event. So, what did all these people come for? The answer is the "doujinshi," self-published publications which are usually manga or novels. Most works are written and edited by amateur writers or artists, but some are famous professionals who started from doujinshi. People wanting to buy their works sometimes have to wait for more than three hours.
-- Rika Takahashi |
From Wired Magazine
18 August 2008
Ace Quantum Mechanics—the Reality TV Way!
With CERN's Large Hadron Collider finally coming online, watercoolers around the world will soon be abuzz with talk of Higgs bosons, gluons, and other mind-blowing subatomic thingies.
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From Ouest France
18 August 2008
« Recréer les conditions de l'univers des débuts »
Ce que l’on espère recréer dans le LHC, ce sont les conditions physiques de l’univers primordial afin d’y observer les phénomènes alors à l’œuvre.
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From The Sunday Times
17 August 2008
The man with the answer to life, the universe and (nearly) everything
British scientist Peter Higgs dreamt up a theory explaining the tiny particles that make up everything, including you, decades ago. At last he's set to be proved right.
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From Nature
13 August 2008
Large Hadron Collider passes first proton test (subscription required)
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From CNet
13 August 2008
Where particles, physics theories collide
The result is likely to push forward theories of particle physics and the fundamental building blocks of all things.
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From The Inquirer
12 August 2008
Physics geeks go rapping
...So if you lack a Masters degree in particle physics, (...) then check out the video.
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FALC meets in Rome

Pierre Coulombe, the next FALC chair |
The Funding Agencies for Large Colliders held their semi-annual meeting in Rome at INFN headquarters on 14 July 2008. The meeting was notable in that it marked the FALC release of their first annual report and the appointment of a new chairperson, Pierre Coulombe. The meeting agenda included presentations by Robert Aymar on plans at CERN for a major upgrade to the Large Hadron Collider during the next decade and a report by Jean-Pierre Delahaye on the R&D programme towards a multi-TeV two-beam Compact Linear Collider Study (CLIC). I presented our recently released R&D plan outlining the Global Design Effort plans over the next few years, which was well received, including a rather engaging discussion of our plans to develop a project implementation plan.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
LHC is safe

On 14 August, John Ellis gave a talk in the CERN Auditorium about LHC safety. He reviewed the arguments presented by the LHC Safety Assessment Group. Video | Slides | Full LSAG report and summary
SC Award for Yamamoto
The IEEE Council has awarded ILC Project Manager Akira Yamamoto with its Superconductivity Award for Contributions in the Field of Applied Superconductivity. He received the prize "for his contribution to the development of various types of superconducting magnets for High Energy Physics and Particle Accelerator application such as the Large Hadron Collider, and for his leadership in the development of particle detector magnets utilizing high-strength aluminum-stabilized Nb-Ti superconductor technology in Particle and Astroparticle Physics." The ceremony took place on Monday during the Applied Superconductivity Conference in Chicago.
What is it?

Any clue what this picture shows? Write to ILC NewsLine and send us your best guess. Read the solution in next week's issue.
ILC Note
The Linear Collider TPC: Revised Magnetic-field Requirements
arXiv preprint
Testing the Majorana Nature of Gluinos and Neutralinos