Science Fiction meets Science Non-Fiction
Group picture taken at KEK. |
On 18 and 19 August, a total of 38 leading Japanese creators, including science-fiction and fantasy writers, animation movie directors, comic artists, illustrators, and photographers, visited J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Complex) in Tokai-village and KEK Tsukuba campus. This visit was coordinated by Junpei Fujimoto, a KEK scientist who is active in ILC outreach activities. “I noticed many Japanese science-fiction novels or animation movies have accelerators in their stories, so I wanted the creators to know and see real accelerators and the science behind them,” said Fujimoto. Yuji and Aya Kaida, who are members of Japan's science-fiction writers association, helped Fujimoto to arrange the visit.
-- Naoyuki Shiba |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
EUROTeV Scientific Workshop Uppsala University, Sweden 26-28 August 2008
CALICE Collaboration Meeting Manchester, UK 8-10 September 2008
ILD meeting Cambridge, UK 11-13 September 2008
Conference on the Design/ Optimization of the Silicon Detector at the International Linear Collider University of Colorado at Boulder, Colorado, USA 17-19 September 2008
Workshop of the Collaboration on Forward Calorimetry at ILC Belgrade, Serbia 22-24 September 2008
Workshop on Sources of Polarized Electrons and High Brightness Electron Beams (PESP 2008) JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA 1-4 October 2008
Upcoming school
Third International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders (2008 LC School) Oak Brook, Illinois, USA 19-29 October 2008
= Collaboration-wide Meetings
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
A welcome cage Large TPC prototype field cage arrives for testing

When the TPC field cage arrived at DESY, all TPC collaboration members came to watch and help out. Photo: DESY |
The international time projection chamber (TPC) team that works on R&D for future ILC detectors used to have a bit of a running gag. Somebody would proclaim that “the field cage will arrive next week” and everybody else would chuckle because week after week it didn’t arrive. Chuckling days are over now: after several years of planning the cage for the large TPC prototype, ordering it from industry, checking the quality, rejecting parts of the product and reordering, the nearly one-metre-long barrel with an inner diameter of 72 centimetres has finally arrived at DESY in Hamburg. First tests indicate that it will finally meet the team’s high requirements.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
From Libération
26 August 2008
L’après LHC déjà en ligne de mire
..L’avenir de cette physique devrait prendre la forme d’un collisionneur à électrons, pas plus puissant, mais plus propre et précis que le LHC(...) Cet ILC (International Linear Collider) pourrait coûter près de 5 milliards d’euros et entrer en service dans les années 2020.
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26 August 2008
GLAST Observatory Renamed for Fermi, Reveals Entire Gamma-Ray Sky
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and NASA announced today that the Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) has revealed its first all-sky map in gamma rays.
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25 August 2008
Final LHC Synchronisation Test a Success
CERN has today announced success of the second and final test of the Large Hadron Collider's beam synchronization systems which will allow the LHC operations team to inject the first beam into the LHC.
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From Institute of Physics Publishing
22 August 2008
Landmark LHC Technical Reports published in the Journal of Instrumentation
...These papers are open access and free to read. The seven major articles, covering the entire LHC project, are published as a special issue of Journal of Instrumentation and are available here.
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From CERN Courier
19 August 2008
CLIC here for the future
What will the future be for accelerator-based particle physics at the high-energy frontier? The Compact Linear Collider study is developing an innovative option for an electron–positron collider.
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Uniting Asian collaboration

Kaoru Yokoya |
Since the establishment of Global Design Effort in 2005, I have been a member of Executive Committee as Accelerator Leader. In August 2008, I earned a new title, Asian Regional Director, taking over the job from Mitsuaki Nozaki.
-- Kaoru Yokoya
Director's Corner Archive |
Talks at LCWS
The conveners for the parallel session of LCWS08 in Chicago, 16 - 20 November, have started planning their programmes. Please contact them if you are interested in giving at talk at the workshop. The conveners for each topic are listed on the workshop webpage. -- Francois, Hitoshi, and Jim
arXiv preprints
Extraction of SUSY Parameters from Collider Data
Precise predictions for the Higgs production in association with a W-boson pair at ILC
Charm Physics - A Field Full with Challenges and Opportunities