Asian ILC researchers gathered in Korea

Barry Barish giving a presentation at Asia ILC R&D seminar |
From 29 to 30 September, the second Asia ILC R&D Seminar was held at Kyungpook National University (KNU) in Korea with help from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Core University Program and the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation. This workshop aimed to review the progress of R&D for the ILC accelerator in Asia region, and to promote regional and inter-regional collaborations on the accelerator and active participations from individual countries to ILC, focusing on the installation schedule and preparation for commissioning.
-- Rika Takahashi |
From Jefferson Lab News: ILC Electron Source Gets Help from JLab

Jefferson Lab's Ken Surles-Law is conducting research to develop rugged components for the ILC's source of spin-polarized electrons. Photo: Greg Adams.
With the activation of the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider, some particle physicists are now looking forward to the next big machine. For many, that's the International Linear Collider.
The ILC aims to break new ground in particle physics by slamming a beam of electrons into a beam of the electron's alter ego: the positron.
Half of the collider's beam is very familiar to the scientists and engineers at Jefferson Lab, who operate and continue to develop the technology that
provides the lab's CEBAF accelerator with electrons. It only seems natural, then, that the ILC design team came to Jefferson Lab for assistance in developing its own electron source.
From The Times
22 October 2008
CERN eggheads find there's no mystery to the universal appeal of a good feast
The secrets of the Universe can wait. The official opening of the Large Hadron Collider made do with space age cooking
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21 October 2008
CERN inaugurates the LHC
Swiss President Pascal Couchepin and French Prime Minister François Fillon were joined at CERN today by science ministers from CERN’s Member States and around the world to inaugurate the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most complex scientific instrument.
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20 October 2008
In search of a light Higgs boson
It's pretty clear that the standard model of physics is not enough to explain all the phenomena in nature,” Tomasz Skwarnicki tells
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From Physicsworld blog
15 October 2008
STFC gives extra money for grants
...We have known for a few months now which facilities would be funded by the STFC in full — and which, like the Gemini telescopes and the ILC, would see the UK’s involvement cut back. What was not known, though, was how much research grants would be slashed.
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2nd Asia ILC R&D Seminar

The 2nd Asia ILC R&D Seminar |
One year ago, I participated in an ILC R&D seminar organised during the China Center for Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST) workshop in Beijing. That successful seminar provided a forum for discussing all the Asian ILC R&D technical work, as well as giving the ILC some visibility in China. I was pleased that a second ILC R&D seminar was being organised in Daegu, Korea at the end of September, and again I agreed to participate. The ILC Global Design Effort is structured around a regional organisation, where we have regional directors, a regionally supported common fund. We rotate our more general meetings between Asian, the Americas and Europe. It is equally important that we carry out coherent regional technical programmes, and regional technical meetings are an important step in that direction.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
LHC inauguration ceremony

On Tuesday 21 October, CERN officially inaugurated the Large Hadron Collider
in a ceremony with Swiss President Pascal Couchepin, French Prime Minister François Fillon
and science ministers from CERN's Member States and around the world. Read the press release. Photo: CERN
Abstract submission for the TIPP09
The deadline of the abstract submission for the TIPP09 international conference
is on 31 October. The organisers ask you to submit your abstract through the conference
web site without delay. For more details, visit
arXiv preprints
Calorimetry for ILC Experiments: CALICE Collaboration R&D
The Effect of Quark Sector Minimal Flavor Violation on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Crab cavities for linear colliders
Searching for vector bileptons in polarized Bhabha scattering
The Higgs sector of supersymmetric theories and the implications for high-energy colliders