From symmetry breaking: Project X collaboration forms, experiment moves forward

A potential location for Project X at Fermilab. |
Project X, a Fermilab-hosted international accelerator facility, could break ground as soon as 2013.
Accelerator experts from around the world gathered at Fermilab last month to work toward establishing a formal collaboration and further plans
for Fermilab's proposed proton accelerator.
At the meeting held Nov. 21-22, more than 133 attendees established a multi-institutional collaboration for the R&D phase of the project.
“Project X allows us to use the facility we have here and puts us at the leading-edge of world particle physics,”
said Fermilab Director Pier Oddone.
-- Rhianna Wisniewski |
From four to six quarks in a month and a half An interview with Toshihide Maskawa, Nobel laureate of Physics

Maskawa smiling at the press conference. |
Toshihide Maskawa is one of the most popular public figures in Japan at the moment. He has charmed many Japanese people with his humour and pure passion for the science that he showed at the press conference after he won the 2008 Nobel prize in physics, together with Yoichiro Nambu, professor emeritus at Chicago University, and Makoto Kobayashi, honorary professor emeritus at KEK. “We are very much surprised by all these requests for interviews with him, including the TV variety shows,” said the public relations officer at Kyoto Sangyo University. Of course, Maskawa has been having hectic days since last October. “I was able to take the first three days of the new year as holidays. Otherwise, somebody is always taking me around. But, I realise that this is my duty,” he said. From where he stands now, promoting the fun of science is his job. “I am happy to have this position, because not too many people have this opportunity.”
-- Rika Takahashi |
From Fermilab Today
13 January 2009
Profile: Camille Ginsburg prepares Fermilab for the future
Camille Ginsburg’s job is to look to the future – and make sure Fermilab has the right tools to reach it.
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From CERN Bulletin
12 January 2009
A global view
After the usual six-month overlap with the previous management, Rolf-Dieter Heuer took office on 1st January as new Director-General. His mandate will cover the early years of operation of the LHC as well as its first scientific results. As he starts his new position, Rolf Heuer gives a long interview to the Bulletin.
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From The Observer
11 January 2009
Belfast art set to collide with quantum physics
A play about the 'god particle' will open as scientists try to find the real thing.
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From Daily Yomuri Online
11 January 2009
ILC accelerated by Nobel Prize
(in Japanese)
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10 January 2009
KEK started beam test aiming to realize ILC project
(in Japanese)
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From nature
7 January 2009
European boost for particle therapy
Treatment centres poised to use carbon-ion beams to tackle cancer.
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Plug compatibility: rationale and technical aspects addressed

Example of plug compatibility for the cavity package |
An interesting and challenging concept that has emerged in developing the ILC's technical design is that of plug compatibility for the superconducting radio frequency (SCRF) accelerating systems. Plug compatibility is not a new term invented for ILC – a common definition might be that the term describes manufactured hardware that is designed to be interchangeable with another vendor's product, even though internal details may differ. This concept, as applied to our ILC design, has been introduced, discussed and intensively debated over the past year. A recently released note from our project managers, simply entitled "Plug Compatibility", provides a good summary of the present thinking of our project managers. In this note, they give their rationale and discuss technical and engineering aspects of SCRF plug compatibility from their point of view. It also addresses various concerns that have arisen.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |

Two units of high-power couplers to use with L-band superconducting cavities, built by LAL in France.
These couplers, with "TTF5 design", have been delivered to KEK as part of France-Japan Particle Physics Laboratory
(FJPPL) programme, and will be high-power tested
at STF at KEK. Photo: Nobu Toge
FY09 linear collider detector R&D in US universities
A more specific set of guidelines for linear collider detector R&D in the US has been developed after discussions with the agencies. The first step in the process will be the submission of individual project descriptions by 23 January. Please refer to the web site for details. The descriptions will not go to the agencies directly, but will be used by the LOI groups in preparing their proposals, which will be submitted to both agencies by 18 February. Each LOI group proposal will be led by two PIs, one from the universities and one from the labs.
arXiv preprints
Alignment of Silicon tracking systems R&D on Semitransparent Microstrip Sensors
Precision Measurements of Little Higgs Parameters at the International Linear Collider
Higgs to Gamma Gamma beyond the Standard Model
EUROTeV Reports
Laser Wire Simulation in the ILC Beam Delivery System
Beam Parameter Determination using Beamstrahlung Photons and Incoherent Pairs