What’s going on in the Physics and Experiment Board meeting

Structure of the management for ILC physics and detectors. |
Since the LCWS08 meeting in Chicago, the management mechanism for the ILC detector activities is working in its full shape. The most important body for communication and decision making is the Physics and Experiment Board (PEB). It is composed of the representatives of the Letter of Intent (LOI) groups, the conveners of the common task groups and the Executive Board members. Meetings are held regularly every month. As usual, many e-mails are exchanged between the meetings, too.
-- Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report Archive |
New ILC Communicator for Asia

Misato Hayashida joins the ILC communication team. |
“I am very much honoured to be given this opportunity to work with the ILC communicators and to be involved in promoting a science project of this scale,” said Misato Hayashida. A fourth ILC communicator has joined the Global Design Effort. Misato Hayashida, based at KEK, will be sharing the Asian communication duties with Rika Takahashi and will closely collaborate with her European colleagues, Perrine Royole-Degieux (CNRS/IN2P3) and Barbara Warmbein (DESY).
-- Rika Takahashi |
ILD planners meet in Korea

Scientists from all three ILC regions take a break from preparing, discussing and writing the Letter of Intent (LOI) for their planned detector (currently called ILD) and get together for a group photo on the Ewha Campus Complex in Seoul, Korea. They are attending the third ILD workshop, lasting from Monday to Wednesday this week.
From Times Higher Education
19 February 2009
Particle physicists fear PhD funding 'disaster'
The research field popularised by Einstein - theoretical particle physics – is facing a "disastrous" cut in PhD funding, academics have warned.
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From New Scientist
17 February 2009
Fermilab 'closing in' on the God particle
..."We're not racing CERN," says Fermilab director, Pier Oddone, who points out that many physicists working at the Tevatron are also heavily involved with the LHC.
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From BBC
17 February 2009
Race for 'God particle' heats up
Europe's particle physics lab, Cern, is losing ground rapidly in the race to discover the elusive Higgs boson, or "God particle", its US rival claims.
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From Business Week
12 February 2009
What's in the Stimulus Bill
According to the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, these are some of the highlights of the new economic stimulus legislation
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From Discover
12 February 2009
Science in the Stimulus
From ScienceDebate2008.com comes word that funding for science, particularly for NSF and the DOE Office of Science, was largely restored in the House-Senate conference.
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TILC09 will have some special features

Poster for TILC09 to be held in Tsukuba, Japan |
TILC09 will be held in Tsukuba, Japan, from 17 to 21 April 2009: We will once again share a venue for the Global Design Effort meeting with an ILC physics and detector workshop. These joint meetings help bring us all together as a single community. The GDE portion of the meeting will be unique, and to some extent it represents an experiment in itself. It will consist of the usual plenary and parallel sessions on our key topics, but in addition, embedded in the meeting there will be an ambitious three-and-a-half-day internal technical review of our R&D programme. This review is the culmination of efforts by the Accelerator Advisory Panel (AAP) to initiate a series of yearly in-depth technical reviews. We have lacked such reviews in the past and we hope that this will mark the beginning of a healthy internal process for validating our technical work and receiving fresh new ideas and suggestions.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
arXiv preprints
Luminosity Performance Studies of Linear Colliders with Intra-train Feedback Systems
ILCWS08 Test Beam Summary
Sensor/ROIC Integration using Oxide Bonding
Possible Single Resonant Production of the Fourth Generation Charged Leptons at γe Colliders
M.i.p. detection performances of a 100 us read-out CMOS pixel sensor with digitised outputs
Higgs boson pair production at the Photon Linear Collider in the two Higgs doublet model
Summary of ILD performance at SPS1a'
Status of the Chronopixel Project
R&D status of FPCCD VTX
Shedding Light on the Dark Sector with Direct WIMP Production
Track Segments in Hadronic Showers: Calibration Possibilities for a Highly Granular HCAL
Infrared weak corrections to strongly interacting gauge bosons scattering
Improvements to the ILC Upstream Polarimeter
Tile HCAL Test Beam Analysis: Positron and Hadron Studies