Collaboration towards the realisation of the ILC

The AAA symposium promoted cooperation between government, industry and academia. |
On 26 February, in the middle of an important Diet discussion (equivalent to members of congress in Japan) on the supplemental bill, the Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science and Technology (AAA) held a symposium entitled “Departing from Japan to Universe - Toward the realisation of International Linear Collider (ILC)” in Akasaka, central region of Tokyo with over 150 participants from industry, academia and the political community. AAA, established in June 2008 with a total of about 100 companies, universities and laboratories, has discussed issues on R&D, intellectual property rights and other related areas concerning the ILC as a model project. The primary aim of this symposium was to review AAA’s activities for fiscal year 2008 and to gain a better understanding of the advanced accelerator – the significance of promoting the R&D and the expected impact to the society.
-- Rika Takahashi |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
Joint ACFA Physics and Detector Workshop and GDE Meeting on International Linear Collider (TILC09)
Tsukuba, Japan 17-21 April 2009
Particle Accelerator Conference 2009 (PAC09)
Vancouver, Canada 4-8 May 2009
11th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors
Wildbad Kreuth Conference Center, Bavaria, Germany 7-11 June 2009
ILC-CLIC LET Beam Dynamics Workshop at CERN
CERN, Switzerland 23-25 June 2009
Upcoming schools
Spring School on Strings, Cosmology and Particles (SSSCP2009)
Belgrade, Serbia 31 March - 4 April 2009
Terascale Monte Carlo school 2009
DESY Hamburg, Germany 20-24 April 2009
School on Calorimetry at the International Linear Collider
China Center of Advanced Science and Technology, Beijing, China 22-26 April 2009
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
CALICE meeting in Korea

CALICE Scintillator-based ECAL test module at Fermilab |
This is the second report on the two detector meetings held in Korea in February, ILD and CALICE, this time focusing on the CALICE (Calorimeter for the linear collider experiment) collaboration spring meeting at Kyungpook National University in Daegu on 19 and 20 February. CALICE, launched in 2002, meets twice a year to discuss the R&D issues of calorimetry technologies and the large-scale test beam experiments, specifically in the recent meetings to prepare for the world’s first test on a digital hadron calorimeter.
-- Misato Hayashida |
Progress on Fermilab's cryomodule for FLASH

This photo of the 3.9 GHz cryomodule was taken on Thursday last week after the cold mass assembly including the four-cavity string was inserted into the vacuum vessel. Before the cold mass went into the vessel the Fermilab team gathered round for a group photo. The module is due to arrive at DESY's Hall 3 in approximately one month. (Photos: Fermilab)

From Department of Energy
23 March 2009
Energy Secretary Chu Announces $1.2 Billion in Recovery Act Funding for Science
Upton, NY -- Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced $1.2 billion in new science funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for major construction, laboratory infrastructure, and research efforts sponsored across the nation by the DOE Office of Science. Secretary Chu made the announcement during a visit to the Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Read more... |
23 March 2009
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to Receive $68.3 Million in Recovery Act Funding
Funds are part of $1.6 billion from Recovery Act to be disbursed by Department of Energy's Office of Science
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From Fermilab
23 March 2009
Fermilab to Receive $34.9 Million in Recovery Act Funding
Funds are part of $1.2 billion from Recovery Act to be disbursed by Department of Energy’s Office of Science
Read more... |
From Nature
19 March 2009
Supplanting the old media?
Science journalism is in decline; science blogging is growing fast. But can the one replace the other, asks Geoff Brumfiel.
Read more... |
Renewing links with superconducting cavity manufacturers
Today's issue features a Director's Corner from Marc Ross, Project Manager for the Global Design Effort.

A picture taken with the optical cavity inspection tool. Defects are clearly visible. |
The most important performance parameter for a linear accelerator is its cost per electronvolt of accelerated beam, or cost per watt of delivered beam power. In the early 1990s, a core group of experts from labs in each today’s ILC regions Americas, Asia and Europe, concluded that the so-called 'cold technology', based on superconducting radiofrequency (rf), could effectively compete with traditional 'warm technology' for the next energy frontier machine, the linear collider. They then set about to prove the cold technology was a cost-effective alternative through the TESLA collaboration and through partnerships with cavity manufacturing companies. This guest Director's Corner is about our effort to open new relationships and partnerships with these companies, worldwide.
-- Marc Ross
Director's Corner Archive |
Registration deadline!
The deadline for online registration for the upcoming TILC09 meeting (Joint ACFA Physics and Detector Workshop and GDE Meeting on ILC) is 2 April. Please register at tilc09.kek.jp/registration.php. No new registrations are accepted online afterwards.
Contact the secretariat at tsuchiura_4 @jtb.jp if you encounter difficulties .
The TILC09 Local Organizing Committee Secretariat
arXiv preprints
Single production of the top partners at high energy colliders
Study of cluster shapes in the Mimosa-5 pixel detector
Use of Transverse polarization to probe R-parity violating supersymmetry at ILC
Beam Polarization at the ILC: the Physics Impact and the Accelerator Solutions
EUROTeV Reports
Phase and Amplitude Control of Dipole Crabbing Modes in Multi-Cell Cavities
Results of the EUROTeV Beam-Beam Simulation (BBSIM) Task
Implementation of Depolarization Due to Beam-Beam Effects in the Beam-Beam Interaction Simulation Tool GUINEA-PIG++
Description of Guineapig++, the C++ Upgraded Version of the GUINEA-PIG Beam-Beam Simulation Program