Prospects for linear collider calorimetry in China

A group photo taken just outside the classroom on the CCAST campus. |
“How do you ‘see’ neutrons in a scintillator calorimetry?” asks Frank Simon a group of 40 students in the afternoon three days into a five-day “Calorimetry for International Linear Collider” school, held from 22 to 26 April in Beijing. The spring in Beijing is just over outside the classroom on the CCAST campus, and the Chinese students who traveled from many academic institutions across mainland China, such as Tsinghua University, Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP) and the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), eagerly hitch forward in their seats. “Have you played billiards?” An excellent lecturer himself (and a blogger for Quantum Diaries), Simon effectively delivers his ideas as the students speak up. What target would take away momentum from neutrons? Exactly, the mass equivalent of neutrons, the protons. Hydrogen in the active medium makes the detector, and thus the plastic scintillator, sensitive to neutrons.
-- Misato Hayashida |
New ILC communicator for the Americas
“I see this job as a great learning experience which will widen my horizons and give me a better understanding of the ILC, particle physics, and relevant efforts around the world.”

Andre Sulluchuco joins the ILC communication team. |
While most of the ILC community was meeting at Tsukuba, Japan for TILC09, a new member had his first day at Fermilab. Andre Sulluchuco has just joined the team of the now five ILC communicators, taking over for Elizabeth Clements. He will closely collaborate with his partners from abroad: Rika Takahashi and Misato Hayashida in Asia, Barbara Warmbein and Perrine Royole-Degieux in Europe.
-- Perrine Royole-Degieux |
Hook, line and module

A cryomodule built at Fermilab for the free-electron laser FLASH at DESY arrived at the lab on Tuesday after travelling by road, air, road again and finally crane to its new home. It will now be dressed with couplers and then put into the FLASH linear accelerator during a major upgrade this autumn. The 'third harmonic' module is one of Fermilab's contributions to the TESLA Technology Collaboration TTC that built FLASH as a test facility for superconducting radiofrequency technology.
28 April 2009
MDS Nordion and TRIUMF Collaborate to Study Development of Photo-Fission-Produced Molybdenum-99
Collaboration Examines New Technology Alternative using Accelerators for Medical Isotope Supply
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From CERN bulletin
27 April 2009
The Latest from the LHC
The last repaired dipole for Sector 3-4 has been lowered into the LHC tunnel.
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From American Institute of Physics
27 April 2009
Obama: 3% of GDP for R&D
... In his expansive speech, the President called for greater investments in research and development, and science education.
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From KEK
23 April 2009
T2K Neutrino Beamline Started Operation
At 19:09(JST) on April 23, the Tokai to Kamioka (T2K) long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment confirmed the first neutrino beam production by observing the muons produced by the proton beam in the neutrino facility at Japan Proton Accelerator Complex (J-PARC).
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New cavity production facility for future industrialisation
Today's issue features a Director's Corner from Kaoru Yokoya, Global Design Effort Asian Regional Director.

Masato Arima, the secretary general of the AAA, during his talk at TILC09. Photo: Nobu Toge. |
As most of you may know, I have just managed to complete my duty as a chairman of the TILC09 Local Organising Committee last week, and would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the participants and members of the committee for helping me to carry out the entire conference smoothly and successfully. After taking a breather relief, we have gone back to the usual days full of meetings after video-meetings. Since the new fiscal year has just started at KEK, we have been trapped in meetings discussing various plans for the fiscal year 2009. One of the most important plans for the ILC project is to build a new superconducting radiofrequency (rf) cavity production facility on KEK premises, aiming to gain experiences for industrialisation and future mass-production.
-- Kaoru Yokoya
Director's Corner Archive |
GDE seeks web applications developer
Want to become part of the team that takes care of project and collaborative tools for the ILC?
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arXiv preprints
SUSY CP phases and asymmetries at colliders
Collider constraints on interactions of dark energy with the Standard Model
Hadronic showers in the CALICE calorimeter prototypes
EUROTeV Reports
Report on Comparative Studies of Beam Based Alignment
Advance Software Package(s) for Modelling Luminosity Performance
COLSIM: Collimator Simulation Final Report
ILPS Deliverable 2:Report on Luminosity Tuning and Control Strategies.
Low-energy Positron Polarimetry at the ILC