Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders to be held in Beijing from 7-18 September 2009

Last year, International Linear Collider School participants gathered together at Fermilab |
In early September 2009, Beijing will serve as host city to roughly 70 outstanding physics students from the Americas, Asia and Europe for a ten-day intensive course entitled the Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders. The Institute of High-Energy Physics (IHEP) will be the host institution. Led by scientific researchers and academic faculty, the rigorous curriculum will address such topics as linear colliders, the muon collider, radiofrequency technology and damping rings. It will be yet another step forward in the tenure of the school which took place at such locations as Hayama, Japan, Erice, Sicily, Italy, and Oakbrook, Illinois, U.S.A., in previous years.
-- Andre Sulluchuco |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
11th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors
Wildbad Kreuth Conference Center, Bavaria, Germany 7-11 June 2009
Tesla Technology Collaboration Meeting (TTC09) LAL, Orsay, France 16-19 June 2009
ILC-CLIC LET Beam Dynamics Workshop at CERN
CERN, Switzerland 23-25 June 2009
Polarized Positron for Linear Colliders Workshop (Posipol 2009)
IPNL, Lyon, France 23-26 June 2009
FCAL meeting DESY Zeuthen, Germany 29-30 June
Upcoming schools
The 2009 Hadron Collider Physics Summer School CERN 8-17 June 2009
Summer School on Particle Physics, Cosmology and Strings Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada 24 June - 1 July 2009
International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" (SIF) Radiation and particle detectors Varenna, Villa Monastero, Italy 20-25 July
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
New website open! – One-stop shopping on Asian accelerator information

The new website collects all relevant information on accelerators in Asia. |
A new website called Asian Accelerator Plaza (AAP) was officially launched on 27 May, and is aimed to be a comprehensive reference tool for anybody who is interested in Asian accelerator-related activities. This website was developed by collaboration among several Asian accelerator science research institutes, and is being operated in four languages: traditional and simplified Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean. “I first thought it will be very challenging to translate the contents into different languages, but with the help from our Asian colleagues, it went quite smoothly,” said Tsunehiko Omori, KEK physicist and editor-in-chief of this website.
-- Rika Takahashi |
From CERN Bulletin
25 May 2009
The Latest from the LHC
New test diagnostics are being developed to measure the electrical resistance of the copper component of the superconducting busbars, specifically within the interconnections that join the busbars together.
Read more... |
From Spiegel online
25 May 2009
Physiker auf der Spur der unbekannten Kraft
Die Schwerkraft spürt jeder, die Wechselwirkung zwischen Protonen und Neutronen ist etwas für Experten - doch gibt es auch eine weitere, bisher unbekannte Grundkraft der Physik? Diese umstrittene, fünfte Wechselwirkung könnte viele Probleme der Kosmologie lösen - aber auch neue schaffen.
Read more... (in German) |
From Science News
22 May 2009
Success in coping with infinity could strengthen case for multiple universes
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From Mainichi jp
22 May 2009
ILC:素粒子分野の最先端大型実験施設、誘致に本腰--県 /岩手
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From Iwanichi Online
21 May 2009
ILC誘致調査費予算化へ 奥州市長が方針
Read more... (in Japanese) |
What's in a word?
Today's issue features a Director's Corner from Nick Walker, Project Manager for the Global Design Effort.

The GDE has gone through a series of reviews recently — here the peer review process as seen by scientist and cartoonist Nick D. Kim (Cartoon by Nick D Kim, |
During the day-to-day activities of Global Design Effort Project Management, I find myself using certain nouns more frequently than others. Recently, the word review has featured prominently in our vocabulary.
The online Compact Oxford English Dictionary reports two applicable meanings for 'review': 1. a formal assessment of something with the intention of instituting change if necessary; 2. a retrospective survey or report. While these definitions adequately describe the process, they hardly seem to do justice to what the GDE activities have been through in the last six weeks.
-- Nick Walker
Director's Corner Archive |
ILC Report
Report on the AAP Review at TILC'09
arXiv preprints
Undulator-Based Production of Polarized Positrons
EUROTeV Reports
ESPEC: Precision Energy Spectrometer
Final Report for the Timing and Phase Monitoring (TPMON) Task