From SLAC Today: Simulating a More Efficient Linear Collider

An electromagnetic mode contributing to wakefield effects in a superconducting ILC cavity, as calculated by SLAC's Advanced Computations Department team. Reds, oranges and yellows indicate strong fields, greens and blues weaker ones. (Image courtesy of Greg Schussman.) |
Scientists around the world are working hard to hammer out a workable blueprint for the next big particle accelerator, the International Linear Collider, by 2012. A group at SLAC is doing its part, running supercomputer simulations to maximize the accelerator's performance and keep costs down on the proposed multi-billion-dollar collider.
-- Michael Wall, SLAC Today |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
11th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors
Wildbad Kreuth Conference Center, Bavaria, Germany 7-11 June 2009
Tesla Technology Collaboration Meeting (TTC09) LAL, Orsay, France 16-19 June 2009
ILC-CLIC LET Beam Dynamics Workshop at CERN
CERN, Switzerland 23-25 June 2009
Polarized Positron for Linear Colliders Workshop (Posipol 2009)
IPNL, Lyon, France 23-26 June 2009
Mini-Workshop on the CesrTA Electron Cloud R&D Program for Linear Collider Damping Rings (CTA09)
Cornell University, NY, USA 25-26 June 2009
FCAL meeting DESY Zeuthen, Germany 29-30 June
Upcoming schools
The 2009 Hadron Collider Physics Summer School CERN 8-17 June 2009
Summer School: Exploring the Cosmological Frontiers Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada 24 June - 1 July 2009
International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" (SIF) Radiation and particle detectors Varenna, Villa Monastero, Italy 20-25 July
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
Spiralling under control Positron source R&D makes progress

James Rochford checking the performance of the undulator cryomodule. |
The team developing the ILC's positron source have every reason to be positive. Recent tests have shown both that the four-meter helical undulator prototype – a device that will produce an intense beam of polarised gamma rays – works in its cryomodule, and that the target that will produce the positrons themselves can reach its design rotation speed of 2000 revolutions per minute.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
From CERN Courier
8 June 2009
Viewpoint: Big Science, bigger outreach
...Undoubtedly outreach must convey to society the excitement of scientific discovery and the importance of technological returns. However, in my opinion, the message from science should not stop there.
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From CERN bulletin
8 June 2009
The latest from the LHC
In Sector 3-4 the full length of the beam lines have been closed and work is currently ongoing to finish the final electrical interconnections.
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From Nature
5 June 2009
Historic deal for German science
German universities and research organizations will receive an €18-billion (US$25-billion) windfall of new money over the next decade
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An official change of name

Ewan Paterson, GDE Integration Scientist at the DESY workshop. He is playing a lead role in integrating the central beam tunnel configuration |
A strategy has been emerging over the past months to define a new baseline configuration for the ILC Technical Design Report (TDR). Beginning with the well-established Reference Design Report (RDR) configuration, we are selectively proposing changes that can significantly improve the cost to performance to risk. The anticipated final configuration has been referred to as the “Minimum Machine,” however this misnomer has caused endless misunderstandings and misinterpretations. A new, more descriptive name for the process we are undertaking, Accelerator Design and Integration (AD&I), became official at the first working meeting towards defining a new ILC baseline held at DESY from 28 to 29 May. Much was accomplished and points of contention were defined at this lively interactive working meeting.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Not bad!
Last week we showed you a picture of a couple of shoes asked you to send us your theories as to what those shoes are up to and why. While one person managed to identify all of the shoe owners (congratulations, Maxine — but you had a head start because you see those shoes all the time!) another guessed that it's "School kids all heading out for summer." Two readers obviously heard fiddles and tin whistles playing: "really smart physics people practicing "RIVERDANCE" while on layover at the Dublin Airport" guessed one, while the other thinks that the "GDE is starting to incorporate Irish jigs into their regular routines to encourage creative thinking and new ideas." And what is it really? Participants at the re-baseline meeting held at DESY (see this week's Director's Corner) continuing discussions in a German beer garden. Well done, everyone!
arXiv preprints
Neutrino Masses, Leptogenesis and Decaying Dark Matter
Can colliders disprove leptogenesis?
Testing the Littlest Higgs Model with T-parity in Bottom Quark Pair Production at High Energy Photon Colliders
ILC Internal Document
Summary report of the first meeting on Accelerator Design & Integration 28-29th May, DESY