Cornell University workshop highlights importance of R&D for ILC damping rings

Attendees of the CesrTA workshop listen attentively to the day's presentations. |
From 25 to 26 June, about 40 attendees gathered at the Industrial and Labor Relations Conference Center at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, to attend a workshop on the Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator programme and to discuss R&D progress on the damping rings and electron clouds. It was the first dedicated workshop for interested and participating researchers, students, and physicists to talk about the state of the CesrTA project since its debut last year.
-- Andre Sulluchuco |
Survey: how are we doing with NewsLine?

ILC NewsLine readers: your opinion counts. (Photo DESY) |
As we are celebrating the 200th issue of NewsLine, we would like to take the opportunity to conduct a survey about your experience with the newsletter.
Which sections do you prefer? Are you satisfied with the content? In November 2007, we reported your preferences and remarks on NewsLine.
Now, we would like to know: have we improved since then? Are you reading NewsLine more than before? Do you like our special issues? We also want to know how to better address your needs and inform you on the ILC project. Your ideas and comments would be most welcome.
Express yourself
If you subscribe to this newsletter, you will receive the survey today by e-mail. Alternatively, you can also fill it online in English or in Japanese. Please make sure to fill in the questionnaire only once! If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email.
We greatly appreciate your time in filling out the survey. Your feedback will help us provide you with a better publication!
-- The ILC communicators |
28 July 2009
Huge benefits from Cyprus’ accession to CERN, Professor says
The scientific community of Cyprus deems that the benefits from Cyprus’ full CERN membership will be huge, since the know–how and the knowledge of CERN will be applied in various areas in Cyprus as well.
Read more... |
From Parade Magazine
26 July 2009
The Race For The Secret of The Universe
Given this reprieve, the physicists at Fermilab began smashing particles as never before—revving up the Tevatron to more than 2000% of its original capacity and working around the clock
Read more... |
From ScienceNews
24 July 2009
Rotation may solve cosmic mystery
Known as dwarf spheroidal galaxies, these ancient stellar groupings not only serve as fossil remains of the early universe but have the highest known ratio of dark matter to ordinary, visible matter.
Read more... |
Global effort for high-gradient ILC SCRF cavities

ILC-SCRF R&D plan in Technical Design Phase. |
I would like to thank Barry Barish for his 9 July Director's Corner where he described the importance of and progress in the ILC superconducting cavity development, and also for the opportunity to write this column and expand on the efforts for an area of the Main Linac and Superconducting Radiofrequency (ML-SCRF) technology and the tasks ahead of us.
-- Akira Yamamoto
Director's Corner Archive |
Happy 200th issue, ILC NewsLine!

ILC NewsLine was launched on 18 August 2005. Nearly four years later, the ILC communicators celebrated the 200th issue with a special birthday cake at CERN, where they visited the LHC and CLIC facilities.
Last days for early registration to ALCPG!
Don't miss the early registration deadline for the Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas and GDE meeting, or ALCPG, to take place this year in Albuquerque, New Mexico, US from 29 September to 3 October. After 1 August the registration fee goes up to 450 dollars! Register here
arXiv preprints
Can we discover multi-component WIMP dark matter?
Top quark forward-backward asymmetry from new t-channel physics
Fundamental Symmetries of the Early Universe and the Precision Frontier