Planning for the next steps

Sakue Yamada |
Soon the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) will give me their recommendations on the validation of the three submitted Letters of Intent (LOI) after completing their very intensive and detailed examinations on them. It is time for us to prepare for the next step, namely to consider what the validated detector groups need to accomplish through the following period, till 2012. The goal is clear: they must produce detailed baseline detector designs, which will be included in the ILC project proposal to demonstrate that the facility is capable of the intended physics research and to make the project convincing. Each LOI outlined the plan of the detector group to reach this end. In the new stage after validation, more precise as well as coordinated planning will be necessary for the validated groups to make coherent progress. There are issues which require close cooperation with the accelerator team and within the detector groups, in particular for the design of the interaction region.
-- Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report Archive |
Five years of cool

From the chairman's archives: an unofficial group picture of the ITRP experts during one of their meetings. |
Do you remember where you were and what you did exactly five years ago today? People who were working on the ILC then will almost certainly be able to tell you their story of 20 August 2004 – after all it was the day that set the course for the future of the project. During the ICHEP conference in Beijing, the International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA announced its conclusion that the ILC should be built with 'cold' superconducting rather than 'warm' X-band radiofrequency technology, following the carefully made selection by the International Technology Recommendation Panel or ITRP. Symmetry magazine – itself still in its infancy then – published two gripping stories on the decision making process (The road to Beijing) and on the cold technology (Sold on cold) that make a fascinating anniversary read. Less fascinating but also interesting: the press release ICFA sent out on the day. Do you want to share your 20 August story?
Please send it to communicators @linearcollider.org.
From Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
18 August 2009
Rolf-Dieter Heuer: Mit Faust im Gepäck
...Und der Transfer der hier betriebenen Grundlagenforschung in die Anwendung müsse besser vermarktet werden – „powered by Cern“ sozusagen als Gütesiegel.
Read more... (in German) |
From American Institute of Physics
14 August 2009
FYI: The AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News
First Meeting of the Obama Administration's PCAST
Read more... |
From Science
14 August 2009
Running at Half-Energy Keeps LHC in Race for Discoveries
The world's largest atom smasher will finally start blasting particles together this winter, but at only half of its maximum energy, officials at the European particle physics laboratory, CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland, decided last week.
Read more... |
Stimulus funds for SCRF at Fermilab
Today's column is jointly authored by Bob Kephart, Fermilab ILC Program Director, and Barry Barish, GDE Director

Cryomodule1 in the New Muon Laboratory (NML) at Fermilab |
Five years ago today, the International Technology Review Committee (ITRP) made their recommendation that the design of the International Linear Collider (ILC) should be based on superconducting RF technology (SCRF). A very important consideration in that decision was that SCRF is a forward-looking technology that will have broad applications to future accelerators, whether for research, industry or medicine. The announcement by the U.S. Department of Energy that it will provide $52.7M of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds to develop the Fermilab (SCRF) programme is a very welcome development. This decision fits very well with the philosophy that recovery funding should provide both short-term economic stimulus and enhance future economic growth through improving technical infrastructure and capability.
-- Barry Barish, Bob Kephart
Director's Corner Archive |
Leptons, photons, photos

The participants of the Lepton Photon conference that is taking place in Hamburg, Germany, this week, gather on the conference centre's roof garden for a group picture. The Thursday morning session was devoted to future projects – check the LP09 website to see slides and recordings of the talks. (Image: DESY)
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arXiv preprints
On the equivalence of semi-classical methods for QED in intense external fields
Probing scalar particle and unparticle couplings in e+ e- -> t tbar with transversely polarized beams