9 mA revisited
Machine experts run DESY’s FLASH accelerator under ILC parameters

Concentrated faces in DESY's main control room. |
The last two weeks were two of the most important (and intense) weeks for accelerator specialists working on the ILC. After a long period of preparation and a series of first tests, they have just finished a period of successfully running the superconducting linear accelerator FLASH at DESY under ILC-like conditions to demonstrate that a long train of electron bunches with high charge can be produced in and travel through the accelerator – and stay there, too. After the ILC-like run, which ended on Monday after long day and night shifts in the control room, FLASH will receive a major upgrade to improve capabilities and performance for the users of the laser light generated by FLASH.
-- Barbara Warmbein
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
14th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF2009) Berlin, Germany 20-25 September 2009
2009 Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas (ALCPG09) The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 29 September - 3 October 2009
The mysterious universe - Exploring our world with particle accelerators
Free public lecture by Jim Brau University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (Anthropology Lecture Hall 163), New Mexico, USA 1 October 2009, 7pm
CLIC09 Workshop CERN 12-16 October 2009
12th International Conference On Accelerator And Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2009) Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan 12-16 October 2009
2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Orlando, Florida, USA 25-31 October 2009
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
ILC NewsLine Survey result

NewsLine readers want to read more physics stories. Image: J. Wise, M. Bradac (Stanford, KIPAC) |
For the third time, the NewsLine team conducted a survey this summer. Who are our readers? Are they satisfied with the content? The survey says that you read us more often, that you are generally satisfied with the balance of the subjects and that you are enthusiastic about NewsLine's new thematic issues. However you would like to see more science and expect more stories about the connections between the ILC and other particle physics or accelerator projects.
-- Perrine Royole-Degieux |
From interactions
23 September 2009
Department of Energy Announces Accelerator Symposium
The conference will feature prominent speakers from industry, universities, and national laboratories and will conclude with a poster session and reception.
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From UNM Today
22 September 2009
Lecture on Dark Matter and Dark Energy to be Held During International Conference
The University of New Mexico will host a public lecture, titled “The Mysterious Universe, Exploring our World with Particle Accelerators,” on Oct. 1, at 7 p.m. in the Anthropology Lecture Hall, Room 163.
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From Guardian
22 September 2009
Is the Large Hadron Collider worth its massive price tag?
Scientists at Cern near Geneva are close to turning on their particle accelerator a year after it blew up. In their latest video, physicists hunting the Higgs boson ask what price society is willing to pay to understand the universe.
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From Nature
22 September 2009
The elephant and the neutrino
Conservationists challenge physics observatory in Indian wildlife reserve.
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From Discover
21 September 2009
Endgame for the Tevatron
With little fanfare, last week the Tevatron at Fermilab, and the two experiments CDF and D0, emerged from an 11-week shutdown for what will likely be the final run of the collider, which is over 20 years old.
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From CERN Bulletin
21 September 2009
Starry nights over CLIC
To meet the alignment requirements for CLIC, the future linear accelerator project, CERN’s surveyors have started an unprecedented campaign of measurements.
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From CERN Bulletin
21 September 2009
The Latest from the LHC: Switching on the magnets
The architecture of the LHC, which is partitioned into eight cryogenically and electrically independent sectors, allows the commissioning of the machine on a sector-by-sector basis.
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Operating and maintaining the ILC in the year 202X

Interim results for strawman baseline 2009 parameters and this operating schedule. |
Why is it that a group of us within the Global Design Effort are discussing some possible year-long operating and maintenance schedules for the ILC while it is still under design and some years away from operation? It is because the schedule for frequency and duration of time to repair, maintain and upgrade equipment can affect system design and R&D on component development and we need to think about these things now in order to be ready when the ILC comes online.
-- Ewan Paterson
Director's Corner Archive |
Superconductivity experts meet in Berlin

Three hundred of world's experts on radiofrequency superconductivity have gathered in Berlin this week to discuss not only new surface treatments for cavities, inspections methods or new uses for superconducting accelerators at the 14th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF2009). There were also hot debates with industry on how to approach serial cavity production and a provocative 'hot topic' talk asking whether niobium is 'at the end of the road.'
arXiv preprints
Pomeron Odderon interference in production of two π+ π- pairs at LHC and ILC
From the LHC to Future Colliders
MICROMEGAS chambers for hadronic calorimetry at a future linear collider
Phenomenology of the minimal B-L extension of the Standard Model