From DESY inForm: Old hall – new detectors

The new detector laboratory in close neighbourhood to HERA-B is nearly completed. |
When you plan to move and try to find helpers, they often ask: to which floor? If the DESY people working in the detector lab would depend on the help of friends, they would have difficulties to find volunteers because the answer would be: seventh floor! Everything has to be transported from the ground floor to deep down underground. The HEP groups' detector lab moves from hall 5 to HERA hall west. In order to make room the electronics hut of the still present HERA-B detector was dismantled.
-- Gerrit Hörentrup
from DESY inForm, November issue
Rises and falls in nanoseconds
ATF succeeded in the fast kicker test

Takashi Naito at the ATF container |
In late October, the fast kickers at the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at KEK have successfully kicked the beam bunches in 5.6 nanoseconds. Conditioning these bunches is the job of the damping rings, and the kicker system is one of the crucial technologies which hold the key of the damping ring performance.
-- Rika Takahashi |
From Physics central
6 November 2009
Heaven on Google Earth
"Yesterday I talked about using Google Earth to get a sense for the grandeur of the huge, landscape-sized machines of experimental particle-physics. But Google Earth is also perfect for touring the holy sites of the other big science, astronomy, whether you want to check out the world's biggest telescopes or explore the stars. ..."
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From Physics central
5 November 2009
Google Earth your way to big science
"...Google Earth is also a great way to tour big science in all its glory. How, you ask? Well, first download the program. Then make a list of your dream destinations –Fermilab, CERN, KEK in Japan, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory–and fly to each one. ..."
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From The Times
5 November 2009
Bill Bryson's Notes from a Large Hadron Collider
From Eureka, our new monthly science magazine: The bestselling author visits CERN and meets the scientists who are hoping to unlock the secrets of the Universe
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Rethinking LHC–ILC connections

Michael Peskin |
The American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG) workshop held in Albuquerque, New Mexico from 29 September to 3 October was one of our large ILC meetings that we hold twice a year. There was much in this meeting: the results of the Letter of Intent validation process for the ILC detector concepts; the first presentation of a proposed new ILC accelerator baseline; a lively panel discussion, and many more. But, perhaps the most important contribution was a talk given by Michael Peskin, SLAC, with the intriguing title, “Rethinking the LHC–ILC Connection.”
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
13 000 visitors at DESY

Last Saturday, 13 000 visitors passed through DESY's gates in shuttle buses and on foot – the lab celebrates its 50th birthday this year and it had opened its doors (and tunnels) to the public for 12 hours. From midday to midnight, some 800 DESY staff from groups as diverse as the DESY carpenters, the cryogenics experts, the molecular biologists and of course the particle physicists proudly and enthusiastically presented their work to an impressed crowd. The highlights: two accelerator tunnels, PETRA III and HERA, were open and people could walk whole sections of the underground facilities. View all images
arXiv preprints
High Et Jet Production
Overview of Studies on the SPIROC Chip Characterisation
Signal and Background in e+e- →t anti-t H