Detector activities in the new stage

TPC experts during the ALCPG workshop looking at New Mexican art in Albuquerque that is somewhat similar to an end–cap of their detector. |
The physics and detector activity for the ILC entered into a new stage after the validation of the Letters of Intent (LOIs) and following discussions during the American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG) workshop in Albuquerque, US. Close to the turn of the year, I wish to survey what has been going on since then.
--Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report Archive |
The ILC in 2009

(Some of) the people who make it all happen: the ILC community in Tsukuba in April. |
Reviewing a year that is coming to an end can be a bit like time travel. While some events seem like they happened only yesterday others seem so long ago that it is hard to believe they happened only a few months ago. Here are some events and developments that were not only important this year but also put the ILC project on a status timeline.
-- The ILC NewsLine team |
16 December 2009
Science Programme Prioritisation 2010-2015
"The Science and Technology Facilities Council today announced a five-year £2.4 billion investment strategy in world-leading multi-disciplinary science and technology, designed to deliver maximum scientific, societal, international and economic benefit for the United Kingdom in the current tougher financial environment. ..."
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From KEK
15 December 2009
Thank you for your opinions on the budget cut
On December 1, 2009, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) issued a statement and solicited your opinions with regards to the recent recommendations by the Public Budget Review by the Japanese Government, concerning the next fiscal year's budget allocation.
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From Symmetry breaking
10 December 2009
CERN celebrates 50 years of high-energy physics
"... Director General Rolf Heuer closed the first day’s talks with a forward look, including LHC upgrades and future colliders such as the ILC or CLIC. "
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9 December 2009
The Fermilab-DESY collaboration pays off: high grades for third-harmonic module
"...The first tests of the whole module show that the devices developed at the two laboratories fit perfectly and have a performance well above the required design specs."
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Strawman Baseline 2009 Report preparations and the new ILC Cost Estimating Tool

A copy of the ICET documentation |
Season's Greetings!
We are currently preparing the SB2009 proposal with the goals of reducing the overall cost, optimising the facilities, and improving the performance of the accelerator for the next ILC baseline. The SB2009 proposal will be presented in a report being generated under the leadership of the Global Design Effort (GDE) Project Managers Marc Ross, Akira Yamamoto, and Nick Walker with Nobu Toge as editor (a demanding task–master). SB2009 will be reviewed by the Accelerator Advisory Panel in Oxford in early January. Barry Barish, the ILC GDE Director, will ultimately decide what items contained in the SB2009 proposal will be adopted to modify the Reference Design Report (RDR) into the new baseline for the GDE Technical Design Phase 2 (TDP–2), which will produce a technical design, preliminary construction schedule, and new cost estimate by 2012.
-- Peter Garbincius
Director's Corner Archive |
NewsLine Holiday Schedule
NewsLine is taking a break for two weeks. Our next issue will be on 7 January. Happy holidays!
arXiv preprints
Discovering Sbottom Co-annihilation at ILC
Measurement of Γee(J/ψ) x BR(J/ψ→e+e-) and Γee(J/ψ) x BR(J/ψ→μ+μ-)