From CERN: Outcome from Chamonix: Better in the long run
 The Large Hadron Collider will run at 7 TeV for 18 to 24 months, CERN management has announced. Image: CERN
Last week, the Chamonix workshop once again proved its worth as a place where all the stakeholders in the LHC can come together, take difficult decisions and reach a consensus on important issues for the future of particle physics. The most important decision we reached last week is to run the LHC for 18 to 24 months at a collision energy of 7 TeV (3.5 TeV per beam). After that, we'll go into a long shutdown in which we'll do all the necessary work to allow us to reach the LHC's design collision energy of 14 TeV for the next run. This means that when beams go back into the LHC later this month, we'll be entering the longest phase of accelerator operation in CERN's history, scheduled to take us into summer or autumn 2011.
-- Steve Myers, Director for Accelerators and Technology |
Welcome to the summit!

Register now for the Asia-Europe Physics Summit. |
Even though the international collaboration in physics research has a long history, Europe-Asia cooperation remains quite weak, compared to the collaboration between Europe and Americas or Asia and Americas. To strengthen the cooperation in physics research between European and Asian countries, the first Asia-Europe Physics Summit, or ASEPS, will be held 24 to 26 March in Tsukuba, Japan.
-- Rika Takahashi |
From CERN Courier
January/February 2010
CLIC study workshop focuses on feasibility
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From CERN Courier
January/February 2010
Ten nations sign up for European XFEL project
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From CERN Courier
January/February 2010
The LHC is back: four remarkable weeks
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1 February 2010
Announcement of the first ACFA/IPAC Accelerator Prizes
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From New Scientist
1 February 2010
'Quantum spread' threat to Hawking's bet
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From iTWire
31 January 2010
Firefly to study Earth's natural particle accelerator
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From Discover Magazine Blogs
29 January 2010
Decision for the LHC: 1 Inverse fb at 7 TeV or Bust!
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28 January 2010
Physicists Investigate Possibility of an 'Unhiggs'
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Formalising and extending the ILC-CLIC collaboration

The ILC-CLIC statement of joint intent |
The ILC-CLIC collaborative work has become an important element in our activities. In addition to the technical interchange and joint work through seven working groups, we held a Global Design Effort Executive Committee meeting at CERN last June and will organise a large joint workshop next autumn. Our collaborative activities have reached a level where it has become important to formalise the arrangement, which has now been achieved through a joint statement signed by Jon Bagger, Chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC), and Ken Peach, Chair of the CLIC Collaboration Board. This brief statement is broad sweeping in that it is an agreement to work together towards a future electron-positron linear collider through collaboration on both scientific and technical issues.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
arXiv preprints
Introduction to Collider Physics
Neutrino Masses from an A4 Symmetry in Holographic Composite Higgs Models
Decay-lepton correlations as probes of anomalous ZZH and γZH interactions in e+e- → ZH with polarized beams