A summit and the tip of the iceberg
ASEPS summit in Tsukuba might change the research landscape

ASEPS participants gather on the steps of the EPOCHAL Center in Tsukuba. Image: Physical Society of Japan
In a venue that many ILC people know very well from last year's TILC meeting, the Epochal Conference Center in Tsukuba, Japan, another meeting is underway that may well change the course of physics research for scientists from Europe and Asia. The Asia Europe Physics Summit ASEPS covers all areas of physics research, from nanotechnology and energy to medical research and accelerator development. It goes even further than that: it looks at the history of collaboration between Asia and Europe and combines lessons learnt from the past with plans for future projects like the ILC. Follow it live via videoconference; instructions are given below.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
Thank you Shuichi!

Group photo of the KEK staff to farewell Noguchi (fourth from right) in front of the cavity string for Crymodule-A of the S1-global experiment. |
From the end of March to the beginning of April it is one of the most festive times of the year in Japan, when the cherry blossom trees all over Japan come in to bloom for about ten days and people hold outdoor parties to view and enjoy them. The cherry blossoms are also symbols for farewells and welcomes, because April is the beginning of another school year and a new fiscal year for businesses in Japan. On 23 March, Shuichi Noguchi, one of the leading superconducting radio frequency specialists of KEK, gave his retirement lecture entitled 'Thinking back on my life as a scientist — my life at KEK and the superconducting RF cavity.'
-- Rika Takahashi |
23 March 2010
CERN sets date for first attempt at 7 TeV collisions in the LHC
"With beams routinely circulating in the Large Hadron Collider at 3.5 TeV, the highest energy yet achieved in a particle accelerator, CERN has set the date for the start of the LHC research programme."
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From Scienceline
20 March 2010
The Most Powerful Machines on Earth – What comes next after the LHC?
"...Despite the years they have already invested in planning them, scientists might have to wait another decade or longer before breaking ground on these machines. There are two designs for lepton colliders currently being considered: the International Linear Collider, or ILC, and the Compact Linear Collider, or CLIC..."
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19 March 2010
LHC sets new record &ndash accelerates beam to 3.5 TeV
At just after 5:20 this morning, two 3.5 TeV proton beams successfully circulated in the Large Hadron Collider for the first time.
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From Science
17 March 2010
Japan Maps Out Big Science Plans
"For the first time ever, Japanese scientists have produced a roadmap of where they see major research programs heading in the mid-term – about 10 years out – and a list of large-scale facilities they will need to get there."
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Here's to Beijing, the Great Wall, and windowless seminar rooms
Today's issue features a Director's Corner from Nick Walker, Project Manager for the Global Design Effort.

Where's Nick? (Image: Sara's home |
As this copy of ILC NewsLine "hits the streets" most of us will already be in Beijing for the start of ILC2010 (held jointly with the Physics and Detector community's workshop LCWS2010). As I actually write this article I find myself once again preparing to travel. Globetrotting is part of the job for most senior Global Design Effort members (and believe me I do less than most!). Most people I talk to find this rather exotic — that is until I tell them the truth: we sit on aeroplanes for tens of hours, only to sit in often windowless seminar rooms for days on end, until it's time to fly back again.
-- Nick Walker
Director's Corner Archive |
arXiv preprints
Quantum effects on Higgs-strahlung events at Linear Colliders within the general 2HDM
Dark Matter, Proton Decay and Other Phenomenological Constraints in F-SU(5)
Gravitino Dark Matter and the ILC