From CERN: LHC research programme gets underway

Watch the re-run of the 7 TeV record collisions in the four detectors of the LHC. (Video: CERN Audiovisual Service) |
Geneva, 30 March 2010. Beams collided at 7 TeV in the LHC at 13:06 CEST, marking the start of the LHC research programme. Particle physicists around the world are looking forward to a potentially rich harvest of new physics as the LHC begins its first long run at an energy three and a half times higher than previously achieved at a particle accelerator.
Impressions from Beijing

Impressions from Beijing. Photos: IHEP/Jie Liu and Nobu Toge.
On 30 March, the Beijing meeting ended on a high note. Nearly 300 participants, together with local and scientific organising committees, worked hard to make this meeting a success while at the same time, in Geneva, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) opened a new page in particle physics history. “It’s a day of celebration,” concluded Jon Bagger, Chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee, “the day where we start lighting the Terascale.” The ILC will build on LHC discoveries, and to make this project a reality the whole ILC community gathered in Beijing. There were deep discussions between the accelerator and the physics and detectors experts of a level that has never happened before in such a global meeting. All use each others' feedback during the workshop to draw up what will be their plans for the next two years, when in 2012 they deliver the Technical Design Report (for the machine) and the Detailed Baseline Design of the detectors reports. A lot of reviews, R&D and studies are still to be done but participants now leave Beijing with clear ideas on what path to follow to achieve them.
See the photo album for a few impressions.
Photos: IHEP/Jie Liu, and Nobu Toge.
29 March 2010
Barry Barish hunts for dark matter in our universe
Download audio: 90s
From The Independent
1 April 2010
Hadron Collider II planned for Circle Line
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From the Associated Press
30 March 2010
Geneva atom smasher sets collision record
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30 March 2010
Multiples «bangs» dans les entrailles du CERN
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30 March 2010
Ni agujeros negros, ni materia extraña: El fin del mundo puede esperar
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From The New York Times
30 March 2010
European Collider Begins Its Subatomic Exploration
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From the
30 March 2010
Large Hadron Collider: Live!
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From Article Ant
30 March 2010
UO physicists thrilled at the LHC's opening of a new frontier
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From Tagesthemen, ARD
30 March 2010
Erfolgreiche Protonen-Kollision setzt Rekordenergie frei
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“Physics” at the Beijing Linear Collider Workshop

Murayama's map of the world of possibilities for the future of particle physics. (Courtesy of Hitoshi Murayama) |
A highlight of the opening day plenary session at the Linear Collider Workshop 2010 at Beijing from 24 to 29 March 2010 was a talk given (over video from Kashiwa, Japan) by Hitoshi Murayama simply entitled “Physics.” In actuality, Hitoshi addressed a rather specific physics subject, that of the “Physics Case for the ILC.” In a sense, this talk was both a personal update of the prospects for physics at the ILC and direct comments on the various ‘myths’ and ‘facts’ commonly heard about the ILC. As usual, Hitoshi's talk was both interesting and inspirational.
-- Barry Barish
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arXiv preprints
Full one-loop electroweak corrections to e+e- to 3 jets at linear colliders
Including QCD Radiation Corrections in Transplanckian Scattering