New moves for the physics and detector activity

IDAG chair Michael Davier during his concluding talk. |
A joint international linear collider workshop, LCWS10 and ILC10, held in Beijing last month, initiated various new moves for the physics and detector activity of ILC. While we often make phone-conferences, such a meeting is valuable so that everybody can get together easily to talk. The programme was rather heavily packed and some people had to run from one meeting to another. Nevertheless the meeting allowed many useful discussions. We could clarify several issues and agree how to proceed.
-- Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report Archive |
Meeting Min Zhang
The ILC community welcomed a new ILC communicator

New ILC communicator Min Zhang at LCWS10/ILC10 meeting held in Beijing. Image: IHEP/Jie Liu. |
from China at the Linear Collider Workshop 2010.
“I feel so lucky to become an ILC communicator and to work with the other communicators,” said Min Zhang. Zhang, based at the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science (IHEP), will be sharing the Asian communication duties with Rika Takahashi (KEK) and will closely collaborate with her European colleagues, Perrine Royole-Degieux (CNRS/IN2P3) and Barbara Warmbein (DESY).
-- Rika Takahashi |
From The Guardian
13 April 2010
How science became cool
The incredible ambition of the Large Hadron Collider has fired our imagination; physicists have become cult TV stars; dramatic new pictures from space grace a million computer screensavers. Is this a golden age of science?
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From Wall Street Journal (subscription required)
10 April 2010
Michio Kaku: A Second Big Bang In Geneva?
"... I extend my congratulations to the Europeans; the LHC is their well-earned prize. I only hope that U.S. policy makers are paying close attention to Geneva."
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8 April 2010
International Stage Set Up for Accelerator, Physics and Detector Community
"The event has provided China with a chance to communicate with the ILC community. Dr. GAO Jie, co-chair of the workshop reported on China's efforts involved in the ILC R&D."
Read more in English and Chinese... |
From Symmetry breaking
5 April 2010
X-band research accelerates at SLAC
"... Now, physicists Tor Raubenheimer and Chris Adolphsen are looking to revitalize SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's X-band technology program...."
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From National Academies
1 April 2010
Smashing Protons at Record Speed
"...Meanwhile, a meeting to plan the next technical design phase of the International Linear Collider, an electron-positron particle accelerator that will elaborate the discoveries of the Large Hadron Collider, concluded March 30 in Beijing. ..."
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Coming up: the fifth International Accelerator School on Linear Colliders

Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, the site of the 5th International School on Linear Colliders |
One of the primary missions of the ILC Global Design Effort is to help in the training of the next generation of accelerator physicists. To achieve that end, we have been a sponsor and we supplied many of the lecturers at a series of schools that began four years ago. The last one was in China in September 2009. Today, I am pleased to announce that the fifth school will be held at Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, from 25 October to 5 November 2010 and is being organised by the ILC GDE, the Compact Linear Compact Linear Collider Study (CLIC) and the International Committee for Future Accelerators Beam Dynamics Panel. This year's school will focus on subjects in accelerator physics related to TeV-scale linear colliders, including the ILC, CLIC and the muon collider.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
5th Accelerator School - apply now!
The fifth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders will take place in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, from 25 October to 5 November. Application is now open; the deadline is 15 June.
Go here for more information.
arXiv preprints
Higgs boson masses in an extension of the MSSM with vector-like quarks
Color Fields on the Light-Shell
Dilepton Signal of a Type-II Seesaw at CERN LHC: Reveals a TeV Scale B-L Symmetry
Associated production of a neutral top-Higgs with a heavy-quark pair in the γγ collisions at ILC