Important progress on IHEP superconducting cavity
 The first 1.3-Gigahertz low-loss type large-grain nine-cell superconducting cavity produced by China. Image: Nobu Toge
A 1.3-Gigahertz low-loss type large-grain nine-cell superconducting cavity called IHEP-01 produced at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing, China, achieved an accelerating gradient of 20 Megavolts per metre in its first vertical test at KEK on 1 July. This may not be the design gradient yet, but it marks an important progress on the research and development of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) technology in China.
-- Min Zhang |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
TeV Particle Astrophysics 2010 Paris, France 19-23 July 2010
35th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2010) Palais des Congrès, Paris, France 22-28 July 2010
First Baseline Assessment Workshop KEK, Tsukuba, Japan 7-10 September 2010
XXV Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC10) Tsukuba, Japan 12-17 September 2010
Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP-10) Aachen, Germany 20-24 September 2010
Symposium on the Superconducting Science and Technology of Ingot Niobium Jefferson Lab, Newport News, USA 22-24 September 2010
Upcoming school
Fifth CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USA
16-27 August 2010
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
The ILC at a glance

Fly through the International Linear Collider and find out how it works with "The ILC in 1 minute" Image: ILC/Rey.Hori |
What will the ILC look like? How big is its linear accelerator? How do you describe a
collision? If sometimes giving talks you are lost for words, we hope the pictures from our new animation "The ILC in one minute" will help you explain and schematise the ILC operation.
-- Perrine Royole-Degieux |
ICHEP starts today

One of the major conferences in high-energy physics starts today in Paris. ILC sessions are on Saturday, but the rest of the conference promises to be exciting, too! For more info check the conference website for the agenda or the live blogs.
A live webcast of "salle Maillot" parallel sessions (from 22 to 24 July) and of plenary sessions (from 26 to 28) is available.
From World Radio Switzerland
22 July 2010
Bigger, better Hadron Collider planned
WRS's Pete Forster caught up with professor Brian Foster, European director of the project, and asked him what the ILC would do that the LHC doesn't.
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From The Sun
21 July 2010
The biggest bang
The International Linear Collider is an ambitious project to build a 31km-long atom smasher in a straight line.This kind of machine is very different from the LHC, which is a giant circle.
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From Popular Science
19 July 2010
CERN Physicists To Build Longest-Ever Linear Particle Accelerator
Move over, LHC — the ILC will be 20 miles long
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From The Independent
18 July 2010
Forget the Large Hadron Collider. All hail Cern's new, straight-line atom smasher
"Part of the report to the Paris conference will be "a blueprint for how you would set up an ILC lab". More than 700 people at 300 laboratories and universities around the world are already working on the accelerator."
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From symmetry breaking
16 July 2010
The long road to high-intensity LHC collisions
It's getting more intense under France and Switzerland. Over the last few months the Large Hadron Collider has been quietly increasing the power of its two counter-rotating beams of protons, and serving up more and more particle collisions to the experiments dotted around the 27-kilometer ring.
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An animated ILC

Click to watch the new ILC animation. |
The old adage that "a picture is worth a thousand words" nicely captures the concept that a complicated story can often more easily be described by a picture than some wordy text. Perhaps in these modern times, we could be improve this saying by saying, “an animation is worth more than a thousand pictures.” For communicating the International Linear Collider, we have created and use a variety of visual pictures of the ILC, however until now, we have never ventured into using computer animation for our communication needs. Today, we release our first ILC animation, which has been created by Mamoru Horiuchi (aka Rey.Hori) from Japan.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
arXiv preprints
Probing anomalous ZZH and γZH interactions at an e+e- linear collider using polarized beams
Neutral Trilinear Gauge Boson Couplings in Little Higgs Models
Semi-DHCAL software developments: Digitization and Display
Status of the Micromegas semi-DHCAL
Branching ratio study of ZH → qqcc/qqbb
ILC Beam-Parameters and New Physics
Test Beam Results Using an RPC Semi-Digital HCAL
top FCNC physics at a Linear Collider after the LHC
Model independent WIMP Searches in full Simulation of the ILD Detector
Identification of new physics and general WIMP search at the ILC
Development of Fast and High Precision CMOS Pixel Sensors for an ILC Vertex Detector
Scintillator-Based Electromagnetic Calorimeter Prototype and Beam Test Results at FNAL
Test Beams Summary
R&D Status and Plan for FPCCD VTX
Influence of beam related background on ILD reconstruction
CALICE Second Generation AHCAL Developments