From Fermilab Today: Recovery Act funds keep Fermilab wired

Electrician Stan Kramer works at New Muon Laboratory. |
Electrician Stan Kramer spent the better part of a recession-hit 2009 unemployed. Then, last March, he received the call from Arlington Electric that he was needed for a newly created job at Fermilab.
Fermilab hired Arlington to do electrical work at the New Muon Laboratory with funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
“If the NML funding didn't come through, I'd probably be laid off again,” Kramer said. “Knowing where I was a year ago, having a stable job guaranteed for at least the near future is huge.”
-- Leah Hesla |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
First Baseline Assessment Workshop KEK, Tsukuba, Japan 7-10 September 2010
XXV Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC10) Tsukuba, Japan 12-17 September 2010
Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP-10) Aachen, Germany 20-24 September 2010
Symposium on the Superconducting Science and Technology of Ingot Niobium Jefferson Lab, Newport News, USA 22-24 September 2010
19th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN 2010) Jülich, Germany 27 September - 2 October 2010
EUDET Annual Meeting 2010 DESY, Hamburg, Germany 29 September - 1 October 2010
Upcoming schools
Fifth CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USA
16-27 August 2010
Fifth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland 25 October - 5 November 2010
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
Particle night fever in Paris

Night of particles poster Image: CNRS Photothèque/IN2P3, CERN and Grand Rex, Design by Marie Lauvergon-Gourdon |
How do you gather 2,000 Parisians and tourists in the middle of summer to talk about particle physics during a whole night? Probably following this recipe: find a magic venue, invite fascinating speakers and well-known artists, explore the frontier between science and cinema and advertise, advertise, advertise. Well, at least this is how the "Nuit des particules" – Particle Night – organised on 27 July at the Grand Rex theatre in Paris by the International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2010) this year happened to be a success.
-- Perrine Royole-Degieux |
From BBC
2 August 2010
Q&A: Rolf Heuer, director-general, Cern
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From Ars technica
2 August 2010
Searching through the LHC data flood for dark matter
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From symmetry breaking
30 July 2010
A slide that captures the future(s) of particle physics
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From Stop Press news
30 July 2010
Large Hadron Collider needs help
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From Discover magazine blogs
27 July 2010
New Revelations From Particle Colliders Past, Present & Future
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From physics world
21 July 2010
Einstein's Universe: the scientist, the man, the musician
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Students admitted to the fifth Linear Collider accelerator school

The distribution of applicants for the 2010 LC accelerator school |
This year we have again had a very big demand and many qualified applicants for the "Fifth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders." This year's school will be held from 25 October to 5 November 2010 in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, continuing the tradition of cycling the school between Europe, Asia and the Americas. The focus of the school will be on accelerator science related to the next-generation TeV-scale colliders, including the International Linear Collider (ILC), the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) and the muon collider.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Science on the Seine

While ICHEP participants sat in the auditorium of the Palais des Congrès and listened to the last plenary talks, people strolling along the banks of the Seine river also got a share of science: clowns paraded on Paris plage, captivated kids with science tricks and challenged adults with science questions. Image: LAL/H. Kerec
More info (in French)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods
Physics Research Section A: 621 (2010) 33-38
Observation of magnetic resonances in electron clouds in a positron storage ring
Physics Research Section A: 621, (2010) 47-56
Experimental observations of in situ secondary electron yield reduction in the PEP-II particle accelerator beam line
Physical Review Special Topics
AB 13, 042801 (2010)
Present status and first results of the final focus beam line at the KEK Accelerator Test Facility
arXiv preprints
Top, GigaZ, MegaW
Top-spin analysis of new scalar and tensor interactions in e+ e- collisions with beam polarization
Inverse see-saw, leptogenesis, observable proton decay and ΔR±± in SUSY SO(10) with heavy WR
Radiative Events as a Probe of Dark Forces at GeV-Scale e+ e- Colliders