From KEK Highlights: Deepen the bonds: collaboration between Vietnam and KEK

Yoshimasa Kurihara (left) and Nguyen Cong Kien (rihgt) from Vietnam National University in Kurihara's office. |
Vietnam and Japan have been nurturing cooperative relationship in many fields for many years. For the field of science and technology, both governments signed the Japan-Vietnam Science and Technology Co-operation Agreement to promote and deepen the co-operation in science and technology in 2006. Following year, Shinzo Abe, then Prime minister of Japan, proposed at the East Asia Summit (EAS) to launch a youth exchange initiative totaling 35 billion Yen over five years including the invitation to 6,000 young people from the member countries of ASEAN and EAS to Japan, which was accepted with great welcome. Now, these invitations are bringing many Vietnamese scientists to KEK.
-- Rika Takahashi |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
First Baseline Assessment Workshop KEK, Tsukuba, Japan 7-10 September 2010
XXV Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC10) Tsukuba, Japan 12-17 September 2010
Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP-10) Aachen, Germany 20-24 September 2010
Symposium on the Superconducting Science and Technology of Ingot Niobium Jefferson Lab, Newport News, USA 22-24 September 2010
1st International Workshop on Accelerator-Driven Sub-Critical Systems & Thorium Utilization Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA 27-29 September 2010
19th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN 2010) Jülich, Germany 27 September - 2 October 2010
EUDET Annual Meeting 2010 DESY, Hamburg, Germany 29 September - 1 October 2010
Upcoming schools
Fifth CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USA
16-27 August 2010
Fifth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland 25 October - 5 November 2010
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
From Fermilab Today: Fine-tuning the instruments of acceleration

Some members of the automatic cavity tuning machine international collaboration. Front row, from left: Ruben Carcagno, Fermilab; Toshio Sishido, Hotishi Hayano and Ken Watanabe, KEK. Back row, from left: Guennadi Kreps, DESY; Roger Nehring, Sergey Kotelnikov, Dileep Bhogadi, Andrzej Makulski, Bill Mumper and Jerzy Nogiec, Fermilab; Jan-Hendrik Thie, DESY; Cosmore Sylvester, Fermilab; Alessandro Quadrelli, University of Pisa student; Fred Lewis and Warren Schappert, Fermilab. |
Achieving resonance in a scientific collaboration is no small feat, but scientists at Fermilab, DESY and KEK have come together to do exactly that: They've improved the mechanism that keeps superconducting radio frequency cavities in tune.
Members of Fermilab's Technical Division and DESY staff, with financial assistance from KEK, recently built four new tuning machines that set SRF cavities to the correct frequency and alignment. More highly automated than their predecessors, the machines save time and labor and ensure greater consistency in RF cavity quality. They work by squeezing or stretching individual cells in a nine-cell cavity and allowing all of them to perform identically and impart the same acceleration to the beam.
-- Leah Hesla |
From Reuters
25 August 2010
Space-based detector could find anti-universe
A huge particle detector to be mounted on the International Space Station next year could find evidence for the anti-universe often evoked in science fiction, physicists said on Wednesday.
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From AP
25 August 2010
Antimatter detector to catch last shuttle to space
A $2 billion machine that will jump-start the search for antimatter and other phenomena was loaded onto a massive U.S. Air Force plane Wednesday for the final leg of its journey on Earth before it catches the last scheduled shuttle flight into space.
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From Le
25 August 2010
Financement au ralenti pour l'accélérateur de particules
Quelles conséquences pour les travaux menés au CERN ? "Les coupures vont ralentir l'accélérateur", résume avec ironie Gianni Deroma. "Le LHC et les injecteurs de particules sans lesquels il ne peut fonctionner doivent être consolidés ensemble.
Read more... (in French) |
From AFP
25 August 2010
Cern/budget: les physiciens manifestent
Le directeur du Cern, Rolf Heuer, a présenté aux 20 Etats membres de l'organisation un projet de budget amputé de 450 millions de francs suisses (343 millions euros) pour 2011-2015...
Read more... (in French) |
From nature
24 August 2010
Big science feels the pinch in Europe
Financial hard times in member states are fuelling calls for budget savings across the board.
Read more... |
Discussing change at the Baseline Assessment Workshops
Today's issue features a Director's Corner from Akira Yamamoto, Project Manager for the Global Design Effort.

The Asian single tunnel design CFS review took place at KEK in spring. The single tunnel design is one of the main topics of the first baseline assessment workshop in September. Image: Nobu Toge. |
In cooperation with the KEK Linear Collider Office, the ILC GDE Project Managers are organising the first in a series of Baseline Assessment Workshops (BAW) to be held at KEK from 7 to 10 September 2010. The workshop is organised in the week preceding the LINAC-10 conference being held in Tsukuba and we hope it is convenient to maximise participation in both.
-- Akira Yamamoto
Director's Corner Archive |
En route to space

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) has only one more stop-over on its way into space: it was loaded on a US-Air Force C-5 cargo plane at Geneva airport on Wednesday and took off to Kennedy Space Center in Florida this morning at 7:25 am Geneva time. AMS will be attached to the International Space Station to study cosmic antimatter and dark matter. It is scheduled to fly on NASA's very last Shuttle in February 2011. Image: CERN
ILC Internal Document
ILC Global Design Effort – Project Managers' Report – July 2010
arXiv preprints
Gaseous Detectors: recent developments and applications
Studies of Scintillator Tiles with SiPM Readout for Imaging Calorimeters