A linear collider workshop at CERN
This month's Research Director's Report was written by François Richard, co–chair of the Worldwide Study, regional detector contact for Europe

The first joint ILC-CLIC workshop will be held in Geneva in October. |
The linear collider community will meet at CERN from 18 October to 22 October. This workshop which deals with all aspects of our future project – Physics, Detectors and Machine – appears timely given the present linear collider strategy with the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) Study and the International Linear Collider milestones for 2011 and 2012. This week, I recall the general context of this workshop, as seen from the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) Study's point of view, and discuss some of its contents, while Barry Barish is covering the machine aspects of this workshop in the Director's Corner.
-- François Richard
Research Director's Report Archive |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
XXV Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC10) Tsukuba, Japan 12-17 September 2010
Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP-10) Aachen, Germany 20-24 September 2010
Symposium on the Superconducting Science and Technology of Ingot Niobium Jefferson Lab, Newport News, USA 22-24 September 2010
1st International Workshop on Accelerator-Driven Sub-Critical Systems & Thorium Utilization Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA 27-29 September 2010
19th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN 2010) Juelich, Germany 27 September - 2 October 2010
EUDET Annual Meeting 2010 DESY, Hamburg, Germany 29 September - 1 October 2010
High precision measurements of luminosity at future linear colliders and polarization of lepton beams Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel 3-5 October 2010
eCloud 2010 Cornell University, NY, USA 8-12 October 2010
International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 (IWLC2010)
ECFA-CLIC-ILC joint meeting CERN and CIGC, Switzerland 18-22 October 2010
Upcoming schools
Fifth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland 25 October - 5 November 2010
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
From DESY: European XFEL accelerator components go into production

Two companies have been commissioned to produce 300 cavities each for the European XFEL. Image: DESY |
An important milestone was reached on the way to the European XFEL superconducting linear accelerator: the start of the industrial production of the superconducting accelerator structures. Yesterday and today, kick-off workshops took place to coordinate the future collaboration of DESY with two industrial firms. The superconducting accelerator structures are a joint contribution of DESY and INFN Milano, coordinated by DESY.
From Tunnelling Journal
14 September 2010
TJ Exclusive – Up to nine TBMs for new Collider
...Up to nine TBMs could be needed by 2016 to bore a 50km long, 5.6m i.d. hard rock tunnel for a new Linear Electron/Positron Collider currently being studied at Switzerland’s CERN complex, Tunnelling Journal can reveal.
Read more... |
From Softpedia
11 September 2010
Superconductors and Future Particle Accelerators
Experts at Berkeley Lab recently took a hard look at how future particle accelerators will be powered, and naturally arrived at the conclusion that superconductor technologies need improvement.
Read more... |
From Gazeta
10 September 2010
ILC-2: что даст линейный коллайдер науке и
Отличительные особенности детекторов ILC.
Read more... (in Russian) |
From Berkeley Lab
10 September 2010
Superconductors Face the future
Futuristic ideas for the use of superconductors are myriad: long-distance, low-voltage electric grids with no transmission loss; fast, magnetically levitated trains; ultra-high-speed supercomputers; superefficient motors and generators; inexhaustible fusion energy—and many others, some in the experimental or demonstration stages.
Read more... |
IWLC2010: International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010

The ECFA-CLIC-ILC Joint Workshop |
This week I want to preview the coming ECFA-CLIC-ILC joint meeting that will be held from 18 October through 22 October 2010 at CERN and the International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland. This meeting is one further step towards bringing the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) Study and ILC efforts closer together. Over the past two years, we have established a joint set of ILC and CLIC technical working groups, have established representation in each other's executive or steering committees, created a new joint general issues group and now will have a major joint workshop. This healthy development will enable our two overlapping communities to interact in a meaningful way, while at the same time carrying out each projects' major work.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Towards a brighter baseline

The first two back-to-back baseline assessment workshops (BAW) took place at KEK last week and results will be written up soon. The race is now on for the next two BAWs at SLAC from 18 to 21 January: will there be even brighter t-shirts? The second BAW will also focus on a different set of proposed changes to the ILC Technical Design Baseline: 'Reduced Beam Parameter set' and 'Positron Source Location'.
ILC Preprint
Governance of the International Linear Collider Project
arXiv preprints
Forward Instrumentation for ILC Detectors
Fitting of Z' parameters
Non-decoupling effects in supersymmetric Higgs sectors