A strategy for the future
German particle physics community discusses recommendation for European strategy process

The German particle physics community has started to work out a roadmap for the future. |
Germans enjoy punctuality, and Germans like to plan ahead. Though these may sound like tired clichés, the German particle physics community recently lived up to international expectations and met for a workshop to set the strategy for particle physics in Germany in the years to come. The physicists were asked by their funding agency, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, to map out the future and present their interests and priorities — next year the European Strategy for Particle Physics will plan a strategy that takes into account the latest results from the LHC. As one of the major players in Europe, Germany wants to be prepared. The overall strategy process will conclude in September 2012 with a new strategy for Europe.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
SiD Workshop University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA 15-17 November 2010
X-Band Structures, Beam Dynamics and Sources Workshop (XB-10) Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury, UK 30 November - 3 December 2010
Second Baseline Assessment Workshop (BAW-2) SLAC 18-21 January 2011
Upcoming school
US Particle Accelerator School (USPAS) Old Dominion University, Hampton, Virginia, USA 17-28 January 2011
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
The Spanish Network for Future Linear Colliders meets in Valencia

Group photo during the Spanish National Network for Future Linear Colliders meeting in Valencia, Spain (October 2010). Credit: Isidoro Garcia/CPAN |
The Spanish National Network for Future Linear Colliders met in Valencia, Spain on 25 and 26 October. Representatives from all Spanish groups involved in R&D activities on detectors and accelerators for future colliders, as well as physicists from theory groups, attended the meeting which showed big advancements developed in all the activities of the Spanish groups, both in accelerators and detectors. The challenge of organising the next global Linear Collider Workshop in 2011 at Granada was also very well received by the Spanish community.
-- Isidoro Garcia (Centro Nacional de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear) |
From Daily Telegraph
8 November 2010
Large Hadron Collider: The importance of lead-lead collisions at the LHC
The Large Hadron Collider's first collisions of heavy particles should provide significant new insights, writes John Ellis.
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From BBC News
8 November 2010
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) generates a 'mini-Big Bang'
The Large Hadron Collider has successfully created a "mini-Big Bang" by smashing together lead ions instead of protons.
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8 November 2010
ALICE shines its way to a European first at STFC Daresbury Laboratory
A light source of unprecedented brilliance, the technology of which is poised to be responsible for significant advancements in fields such as healthcare, materials science and sustainable energy and to open up vast new areas for scientific exploration that have previously been inaccessible, has been achieved at the Science and Technology Facilities Council's (STFC) Daresbury Laboratory.
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From Cherwell
5 November 2010
Science dons jump ship over cutbacks
Cherwell can reveal that government cuts to scientific research are causing a brain drain in Oxford, as leading Physics professors are increasingly taking up better funded posts abroad.
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Electron-cloud physics

Cornell workshop on electron-cloud physics |
What is and what causes an electron cloud in a modern accelerator? What problems does it create on accelerator performance and how can its effects be mitigated? This was the subject of a special workshop at Cornell University held from 8 to 12 October 2010, sponsored by the Beam Dynamics Panel of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA). For the ILC, electron cloud effects can defocus the positron beam in the damping rings, thereby degrading the ability to create a low-emittance beam, a key in creating the required very small final beam spot. I recently visited Cornell to give a public lecture and to participate in this interesting and important workshop.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
ALICE illuminated

After only four days of switching the LHC over to lead ions after a successfully completed run with protons from March, the experiments saw the first lead-ion collisions in their detectors. Shown here is an event in ALICE, specially designed to study these collisions and the quark-gluon plasma that scientists hope will reveal more about the conditions that existed fractions of a second after the big bang.
Read the CERN press release.