From SLAC Today: People: Encouraging Girls to Explore Science

Expanding Your Horizons Network members including SLAC researcher Cherrill Spencer (center) hold up the award plaque at the U.S. State Department. (Photo courtesy Cherrill Spencer.)
Cherrill Spencer was on hand May 4 to see the Expanding Your Horizons Network receive the 2010 National Science Board's Public Service Award. Spencer, a magnet engineer at SLAC, has played a variety of leadership roles with the EYH Network for the past 29 years. This award was presented at a banquet at the State Department in Washington, DC.
Expanding Your Horizons Network is a non-profit organization that runs conferences for middle and high school girls. The workshops feature women scientists and engineers, who lead hands-on demonstrations to pique young girls' interest in math, science and engineering.
-- Julie Karceski
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
SiD Workshop at Argonne Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA 3 June - 5 June 2010
LoopFest IX: Radiative Corrections for the LHC and Lepton Colliders Stony Brook University Campus, NY, USA 21 June - 23 June 2010
TeV Particle Astrophysics 2010 Paris, France 19 July - 23 July 2010
35th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2010) Palais des Congrès, Paris, France 21 July - 28 July 2010
Upcoming schools
CERN Accelerator School (CAS 2010): Course on RF for Accelerators Ebeltoft, Denmark 8-17 June 2010
Fifth CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USA
16-27 August 2010
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
A young female expert on beam size
A profile of Sha Bai, a new ILC group staff at IHEP

Sha Bai in the ATF control room at KEK with her colleagues. Under the hands of Sha Bai and other experts, the height of the beam will reach its design value of 37 nanometres.
In June, a lot of Chinese students graduate from different schools. Sha Bai, a PhD student from the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), is one of them. “I enjoy my research work very much. I like ATF2, ILC and CLIC a lot,” said Bai, who just received her doctoral degree in June 2010 working on ATF2 (Accelerator Test Facility 2) at KEK in Japan, with the goal to reach 37-nanometre vertical beam size at the interaction point, both in beam optics and experimental work.
-- Min Zhang |
31 May 2010
The metamorphosis of a neutrino directly observed for the first time
"...The phenomenon was observed by the international collaboration OPERA (Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus). Neutrinos are "shot" from the European laboratory of CERN in beams directed to the Gran Sasso.."
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From BBC News
28 May 2010
Head Hadron Collider physicist explains his life's work
"For Dr Lyn Evans, leader of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland, the stakes of the project's success could not be higher. “During my life I've seen some fantastic discoveries,” he said. “The LHC is designed to take us a big step forward.”... "
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From Le Monde
28 May 2010
Comment la matière l'a emporté de justesse sur l'antimatière
"Ces résultats ne pourront qu'aiguillonner les équipes du CERN, dont l'un des détecteurs, le LHCb, est dédié à l'étude de l'asymétrie entre matière et antimatière. S'ils demandent à être validés par de nouvelles mesures, ils marquent, commentent les chercheurs, une “nouvelle étape vers la compréhension de la prédominance de la matière dans l'Univers”..."
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From Blog: Summer of Science
26 May 2010
Making Big Science Smaller: Accelerator Technology
"...But as the LHC starts to produce results, the ILC could be indispensable for understanding the new science coming out of CERN. Aware that this could well be the next major step in high energy physics, Fermilab is pushing ahead with ILC development..."
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Attracting women into science

During the National Science Board's Public Service Award ceremony |
Why don't more women become scientists? Although there have been growing numbers of women going into the life sciences, the physical sciences lag woefully behind. Clearly, the health and advancement of science depends critically on attracting the best and the brightest minds into the field, so it is self-evident that we need to do more to bring qualified women into physics, including accelerator physics. With this in mind, I was pleased that the 2010 National Science Board's Public Service Award was given to the "Expanding Your Horizons Network," an organisation that is dedicated to educating young school girls about careers in math, science and engineering. I was doubly pleased that one of our own ILC Global Design Effort members, Cherrill Spencer, who has served the network for so many years, was part of the team that came to Washington DC to receive this award.
-- Barry Barish
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